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*Michael's POV*

"So wait, you two live together?" Niall asks. So far all conversation has revolved around Cara and I.

"Yeah. We moved in together before we recorded the EP."

"That's so cool! I ship Mara!" he says laughing. I shake my head. I know I talk about Cara nonstop, but with these guys I don't really know, it's starting to bother me.

I look to the guys and send them a silent plea to change the subject. Calum catches on and addresses Louis. "So how did you find us on YouTube?" Thank you Calum. Conversation continues for awhile about the band, our music, how we became a band and such when Cara's phone buzzes. Alex's contact pops up. Cara's eyes light up and she excuses herself from the room. Harry looks at me questioningly. "She used to go to USC before she moved to DC. Her old roommate must've caught wind that we're here." I explained. About half an hour later, she comes back in and looks really nervous.

"What's wrong angel?"

"Oh, nothing's wrong. Its just, uh, Alex and Jason want for us to have dinner, and um, she, uh kinda wanted to see if, um, if she could meet One Direction."

Harry laughed at her stumbling for words. "Your old roommate right? A friend of yours?" She nodded. "Tell them to come on up! I'll let them know at the front. What are their names?"

"Alex and Jason. Thanks so much Harry!" She texts Alex our room number and we go over to our room to get dressed. 20 minutes later there's a knock at the door. Cara runs to get it and squeals as she let's them in and hugs Alex. As we are about to leave the room, she stops. "Oh by the way guys, the court records have been sealed. Absolutely no mentions whatsoever about anything dealing with that incident, ok?" And we head across the hall to Niall's suite. We go in and Alex says hello to my band mates before her attention turns to the other five guys in the room. "Oh my god, um, hi?" she says. I chuckle. "Guys, this is Cara's old roommate and friend from USC, Alex, and her boyfriend Jason. Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall."

She fangirls a few minutes, talking with them, before saying about going to dinner. Harry interrupts and says, "We were all going to go out to dinner, we got a back room to ourselves. You're welcome to join us."

"NO NO NO!" Calum yells. "The last time we crashed Cara and Alex's reunion party... Oh god no!" Cara, Alex, Jason and I burst into laughter.

"Awww really Cal?" Cara jokes, "You mean Bring Me The Horizon full blast doesn't help cure a hangover from hell?!" The 1D guys join us in laughter. Ashton groans and adds, "Yeah. The term Payback's a bitch? You have no idea when Cara's the one doing the payback!" More laughter erupts. Alex looks to Cara. "How did you pay him back?"

"He has to room with Mikey and I this week!" Alex starts laughing as well.

"Week?!" Ashton whines, "I thought it was just tonight!"

"Are you kidding Ashton? That'd be too easy! They already joined the mile high club on the way here! You have to wait until they HAVEN'T had sex in the past few hours!" All the 1D guys look at us laughing and Cara starts blushing again.

"What?! How do you know this?!"

"Did you forget that her best friend of 14 years is my girlfriend? Trust me, I've learned the hard way how their minds work!"

I don't think any of us have stopped laughing throughout this entire conversation.

"I like Cara already!" Harry says. "Shall we go?" We all pile into the service elevator and out the back entrance to two waiting black SUVs. We all pile in to the vehicles and head out to dinner.

After we get back, Alex and Jason thank everyone and say their goodbyes as we head back up to our rooms. When we get to our rooms, Ashton goes straight into the bathroom. "See you in a few hours," he says sadly, closing the door behind him.

"Think we should let him off the hook yet?" she asks quietly. "I think he's been tortured enough. Besides, I just want you for myself."

"Naah, let's make him endure one night of my green eyed angel!" She giggles as I hover over her on the bed, leaning in for a kiss. I blow in her ear, making her moan. I quickly strip down and remove her shirt and bra. "God damn you're gorgeous" I tell her as I kiss her exposed skin. I remove her shorts and panties and move my way back up to reclaim her mouth, my tongue finding hers. I can't stop the moan from escaping and I pull her mid section closer to me. "Oh god Michael" she calls out at our contact and she opens herself up for me. It takes me half a second to enter into her with all the lust coursing through my body. She screams out in pleasure and I continue, getting closer with every thrust. We both begin to scream out, not holding anything back until she finds her release, allowing me to then find my own.

I collapse on the bed next to her and only then hear music coming out of the bathroom. We heard it at the same time and start laughing. I throw on a pair of shorts and she puts on her bra, grabs my tee shirt, and throws her panties and shorts back on.

"Payback's over?"
"Payback's over"

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