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warning: sensitive topic

"CARA! WHAT THE FUCK?" I am startled awake by my roommate yelling at me. I groan and grab my temples in agony.

"Alex... Please quiet down. I'm dying here." I grumble at her. Damn, how much did I drink last night? I'm never drinking again!

"Quiet down? QUIET DOWN?!" she screams, "How am I supposed to quiet down?! Look at yourself!!" Suddenly I feel strange. I open my eyes and gasp, "W--why am I n-na--k-ked?"

"What?" Alex whimpers. The way she asks me that one word instantly shows fear, as her green eyes almost pop out of her head. She ran her hand through her straight black hair and we stare at each other briefly before she asks "What's the last thing you remember from last night?" her voice laced with concern.

"Um... sitting at the bar with you and Jason?"

"THAT BASTARD! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" She screams and starts pacing my bedroom, making me cringe both out of fear and because this has to be the worst hangover of my life. But I manage asking if she means Jason, her boyfriend of a few months. She stops and glares at me, then her face falls.

"Trevor" she says quietly. The mention of our friend and neighbor brings everything flooding back from last night. Him walking me home, my insecurities, asking him if I'm pretty, thinking about TJ, and crying because I have a bad feeling in my gut about my relationship with my fiancée... But that's as much as I remember. I blacked out when I hit my bed.

Not again, please not again.

Alex throws something on my bed and walks away. "Call TJ" is all she says and closes my door. I look down at my phone and automatically dial my fiancees number, only to get voicemail. Again. I flop back on my bed and sigh. Time to get ready for class.

A/n sorry for the short chapters. I am just setting up the scene for the drama yet to come. Additionally, please note that while this is a fiction story, it is based off true events. A lot of memories have been blocked out, so its difficult to recall details. These last two chapters especially have been very difficult to write. This story is foremost intended to be a form of therapy for me to try to move beyond a traumatic past.

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