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*Michael's POV*

We're finally landing and Cara still turns red every time she looks at me. I'm enjoying every second of it, because that means she keeps thinking about it! I'm going to have to do stuff like that more often! A few months ago, she wouldn't have let me do that because she felt too dirty, but she really seems to be moving past a lot of that lately. She still hasn't tried to give me a blowjob since Virginia Beach, but I can deal with that, especially if I can get her to start being more adventurous, like in the plane! Damn that was awesome!

Ashton is rambling out the window about the palm trees and Cara chuckles at him. I am such a dumbass. I forgot that she used to live here!

"Does Alex know we're coming?" I ask her. Her eyes widen in shock. "Oh my god I'm such a dumbass!" she laughs. I guess not!

We make our way through the airport to the baggage claim when we hear a few screams. "Luke!" "Ashton!" "Calum!" "Michael!" A few more for Luke and Ashton and I realize they're fans. There's not many of them. A small group of girls, around 16 years old or so. I look at Cara, whose arm is linked in mine and she's wide eyed and smiling. "I'll get the bags guys, you guys go say hi!" she says walking off. The four of us go over to the group and say hi to them. They ask for pictures with us, and we all are smiling and get pictures with each of them. One of the girls peers over my shoulder as I give her a hug and asks, "So is that Cara?" I happily tell her yes and she seems to be scrutinizing her. Really? Some people! We say goodbye to them and join Cara who has our bags now.

"Oh my god that was so cool! Actual fans! Oh my gosh CareBear did you see that?!" She laughs at him, "Yes Ash, I saw!" We all grab our luggage and head out to the taxi stand. We find a taxi with five passenger seats, most have four, and Ashton gives the driver the address for the hotel.

We're all staring out the windows in awe at the sights. There are palm trees everywhere, most of the houses don't have brick or siding, Cara said it's stucco. It's like a very gritty concrete, and most of the houses have clay tiles on the roof instead of shingles. There's very little green anywhere, except for the palm trees. It's so different! Cara is just laughing at us until we pull up to our hotel. Holy shit! This is where we're staying? Woah this is nice! We get out of the taxi and Ashton pays with a card that Modest sent him for expenses, we grab our bags and walk inside.

We are all standing in the middle of the lobby in awe as we hear a familiar voice calling to us.

"Boys! Cara! I'm so glad you made it here! Was your flight okay?" Jim asks.

"It was fine. Mikey and Cara seemed to really enjoy it!" Ashton says, making Calum and Luke crack up. At the same time that Cara punched him in the arm, I smacked him on the back of the head.

"Oi! Ow Cara! You've got power to that punch!"

"That's why TJs jaw is purple!" she said proudly.

"Remind me never to piss you off Care!" Calum said with a smirk.

"Maybe I should've reminded you BEFORE you sat behind me on the plane!"

"Aww but then I wouldn't have been able to see your hair sticking out in every direction after your fun in the bathroom with Mikey!" She punched Calum's arm even harder than she did Ashton's.

"Ow! Fuck!"
"I told you mate!

"Alright boys! Enough torturing Cara for now!" Jim speaks up through his laughter. "While this bantering is more than fun to watch, the hotel lobby is not the place for it. Let's get you guys to your rooms."

He leads the way through the lobby to the elevator and hits the button for 11. "For now we have two rooms for you. You guys decide how you want to divvy them up."

"I've walked in on them once, I'm not sharing with them!"
"So have I! Mikey's ass is not a pretty sight! I'm with Luke!"
"Oh fuck you guys! I've had to hear them more times than I care to remember! I'm sleeping with Ash and Luke!" Every single one of us is laughing, Cara included.

"Looks like we get a room to ourselves angel!" I say suggestively, just to provoke my mates.

"Ohhhh no!" she says, "Ashton is with us!" I'm confused until she winks at me saying "Payback's a bitch!" He groans and everyone bursts onto a fit of laughter.

*Cara's POV*

We step off the elevator and I freeze at the sight of the two guys walking down the hall towards us. "Close your mouth angel, you're drooling," Michael whispers, chuckling. Oh shit. Oops. It's only in this moment that the reality of my situation hits me. Not only am I touring with my boyfriend and best friends, I'm going on tour with One fuckin Direction! I've never been a huge "fan" of theirs, at least not like the Directioners, but I like their music and I have my favorite, who just so happens to be currently standing 2 feet away from me! "Hi! You must be Cara, the photographer. I'm Louis. This is Niall," he says, holding his hand out. Shit. Get your shit together Cara! Fangirling time is over! "Oh, hi! Yes I'm Cara. Nice to meet you both!" You have no idea how nice this is! Apparently he's already introduced himself and Niall to the guys and Michael wraps his arm around my waist. Right! Boyfriend! I'm good!

We get to our rooms and Ashton tries to dart into Calum and Luke's room, but I snag him and drag him in the room behind Michael. "I told you Ash! Payback's a bitch!"

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