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*Cara's POV*

The sun shining through my window makes me feel warmer than I thought I'd be. I go to get up but something is holding me down. I turn my head slightly and see green hair out of the corner of my eye. I buried my face in my pillow and groaned.

Shit. I forgot. How did I let myself cuddle up to Michael all night? I swore never again. But I can still cuddle up with a friend, right? A friend... Yeah. I can just be friends with him. He made me feel safe again. I haven't felt that safe in ages. Since Mom passed away, to be honest. And I haven't slept that good since... the first time. A friend. Michael Clifford is just a friend.

I turned my head towards him as the sunlight hit his face and I just stare at him. How did I not see how gorgeous he really is? His green fading hair made his pale skin glow perfectly, his mouth slightly parted as he slept. Oh lord those lips. No! Just a friend! Just a friend! His tattoos on his arms are so simple but unique. They really defined him. As my gaze drifts down to his ass, I'm interrupted.

"You checking me out?" He suddenly asked, chuckling. Oh shit!

"Uh...no!" I quickly retorted. Think! Quick! "I was just wondering how to get your fatass off me! I gotta take a piss!"

"Ha! So you WERE looking at my ass!" I mentally facepalmed myself. Way to go Cara! I just hope he didn't see me blushing as he rolled over onto his back, laughing, allowing me to jump out of bed and run to my bathroom. Dont look. Don't look back at his naked chest. Stay strong Cara!

I thought I heard him mumble as I shut the bathroom door, "I love this girl!"

Michael just left and Regan and I plopped on the couch with a cup of coffee each.

"Regan..." "Cara..." We both said at the same time, then burst out laughing.

"Please let me go first Regan," I asked and she nodded. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you last night. It just hurt, ya know? But I understand why you didn't tell me. And to be honest, I have no room to get mad at you. I kept something from you too." My eyes started to swell up with tears, again. Another long day ahead. Regan looked at me lovingly and allowed me to continue.

"About a month ago, I was out at the bar that Jason's brother works as a bouncer at, so he let us in. Alex, Jason, Trevor and I. I got plastered. Trevor had to take me home because I couldn't even walk straight." The tears started pouring from my face at this point. Regan grabbed my hand and squeezed it, giving me the encouragement to continue.

"So he took me home and I.. I blacked out. I don't remember a thing. But when I woke up the next morning, I was... I didn't.... I had no clothes on at all." I burst out into full sobs at this point. Regan just pulled me in for a hug and I cried on her shoulder as she held me tight. Once the sobs faded, I continued.

"After that, I promised myself never to drink again. When Luke asked if I wanted another beer, I couldn't stop thinking about that night. I knew you'd ask me about it, and I was already mad at myself for having one. And for not telling you, so I fell asleep."

"You always sleep when you want to avoid confrontation. Was that your nightmare?" she asked.

"Yeah, I remembered a little more in that dream. Tre...Trevor went to get me ready for bed and was... un-un-undressing me, kissing my bare skin. That's when I woke up screaming."

"Shit," she mumbled under her breath, "not again."

"Why me Regan? Why does everything horrible always happen to me?"

"I don't know honey, I don't know."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Regan went to answer it and I heard her talking to Michael.

"I forgot my charger. Can I run up and grab it?" He asked.

"Now's not a good time Michael," she said.

"It's okay Regan! Michael can come in!" I yelled over to her. For some reason, I wanted him. I wanted a Mikey hug. They've already become my favorite.

Michael stepped in the door and looked at me, instantly running over to me, a scared and worried look on his face. He took me into his arms and gave me the hug I wanted. "You okay Care Bear?" he asked. I suddenly burst out laughing.

"Care Bear?! Really?!" I couldn't stop laughing as Michaels cheeks turned a bright pink. Only Michael could make me laugh right now, and I've only known him half a day.

"Sorry Mikey. I just really needed that! I'm good now! Thank you." I ran upstairs and grabbed his charger from the wall and handed it to him, along with my phone. He smiled and quickly typed in his number into my contacts and sent himself a text message, then handed it back to me. Before I could see the text he sent, he left with a wave.

Nice ass!

Regan read it over my shoulder and we both started laughing.

"You need more Michael Clifford's in your life!"

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