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*Cara's POV*

Michael pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he said while trying to catch his breath.

"Don't apologize Mikey. Please. I just, I need a minute." I got up, found Regan still on the dancefloor with Calum, grabbed her by the arm, pulling her with me towards the bathrooms. I yelled back to Calum, "I need your girlfriend a minute, thanks!" leaving him by himself shocked and confused.

Once we got inside the women's room, she looked at me, "What the hell Care? What's wrong?"

I ran my hands through my curls, pacing, not knowing where to start. She took a deep breath and told me, "from the beginning" as we sat on the bench just inside the door.

"It worked," I started, "the look on TJs face, oh my god! Priceless! But..." I took a deep breath. "I kinda, um, gave Michael a hard on." Regan busted up laughing. "That's not all," I said quietly. Her eyes widened, laughing stopping immediately. "He kissed me."

She got a huge smile and asked, "How do you feel about it?"

How do I feel? I liked it. I can still feel his lips on mine. I didn't want it to end. My stomach is all over the place. But I'm scared.

"I'm scared," I whispered.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Yes...no... I don't know. I do, but I can't. Its been a week! I can't like him already. How long did it take me to feel this much for TJ? Months. I can't fall for someone in a week. Especially after three years. What if it's just rebound? I don't want to hurt Michael. Its not fair to him. I'd never forgive myself. I don't want to get hurt again either. I seriously couldn't survive going through this again. What do I do Regan? I want to kiss him again, oh my god. I've never felt like that before. But I don't want to lead him on. Uuugggghhhhh!!"

Regan took both of my hands in hers, looked me square in the eyes and said, "TJ is an ass. He made his bed, now he's lying in it. I'm 100% certain he isn't happy with his situation. He loves you. You love him. That will never go away. But he made a mistake, a huge one, and he's dealing with the consequences of that mistake. He will be for the rest of his life. He didn't give you a choice in how he handles it. He's letting you go so you can find someone better that you deserve. Is that someone Michael? I don't know, but you won't either if you don't give it a shot. Just be honest with him. How about this? For this weekend, just do whatever. Don't think. Just let your heart feel what it feels."

I smiled. "That's what Michael said too."

"He's a smart man. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to dancing with Cal!" We stood up and I gave her a hug. Then went back to our hot guys.

*Michael's POV*

"Don't apologize Mikey. Please. I just, I need a minute."

As soon as she got up, I put my head in my hands. What have I done? Way to fuck things up Clifford!

"What was that about mate?" Calum said, sliding into the booth. Cara must have taken Regan to talk to her.

"I fucked up, Cal. I kissed her."

"Mate, its a kiss. Its not like you fucked her."

"You do realize that her ex fiancee of three years is over there glaring at me right now, don't you?" I asked him. He looked surprised. I guess he didn't put it together.

"There's a very important part of what you just said, Mike. EX, as in he let her go. She's mending a broken heart. You can help mend it. You're a good guy, she can see that. You make her smile, when Regan thought she wouldn't, you calm her down like no one else can. She has a lot of demons in her past. I don't know what they are, but you can make her whole again. Don't be so hard on yourself. Everything happens for a reason."

"Thanks Calum. You're the best. I knew I kept you around for a reason!" We both started laughing and I watched as the girls passed TJs table. Cara set something on his table and kept walking towards me, a smile on her face. Maybe I didn't fuck things up after all!

They came and sat back down with us. Cara turned towards me and I looked down nervously. Wait, she's not wearing her ring. I looked up at her and she smiled.

"Sorry about that," she said. "I think I need to tell you about some things later. But for now, I just want to have fun. With you."

The four of us got up and went to the opposite side of the dance floor this time, and did just that.

"Oh my god Mikey!" she said, still laughing, as we left the club. "You are such a dork! I love it!" I smiled my dorkiest smile and she kept laughing.

We eventually made it back to the car and climbed in. Cara climbed in the back with me and interlaced our fingers together. Electricity surged through my body at her touch, and I could tell she felt it too. The drive back to her parents took a lot less time than it did going to the club, and before I knew it, we arrived.

*Cara's POV*

When we got back to the house, I wasn't ready to go inside. I knew everyone was asleep, but I felt a need to talk to Michael if this was going to go anywhere.

"You guys go inside Regan," I told her. Her house has always been a second home to her. She has her own spare key. "We're going for a walk. You know where to find me." She nodded and we turned away from the house.

"A friend of ours used to live up here. Behind his house was some woods. We built a fort here when we were little. Its where we always would go to talk or to get away. He moved a few years ago, but the fort was still there last I checked. And, um, sorry for freaking out on you tonight. I really want to explain."

"You don't have to Cara," he answered. I smiled at him and told him, "I want to," and led him through the woods to the fort. The thing is, I really did want to. I never thought I'd want to open up to anyone other than Regan ever again. But after only one week knowing him, I felt closer to him than I did in 3 years with TJ.

We reached the fort, climbed in through the weeds and bushes and sat. Michael remained quiet, giving me the time and encouragement I needed.

"I've told you about my family, but there's a lot more to tell."

Bad Dreams //mgcTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon