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*Cara's POV*

I wake up with a very rested and peaceful feeling. We are in the exact same position that we fell asleep in. I continue to lie there with my head on his chest, arm draped around his waist, just listening to his heartbeat. I could stay like this forever, but we have to head home today. I don't realize that I'm running my fingertips up and down his sides until he starts squirming underneath me. "That tickles!" he giggles. He doesn't giggle very often, but I love it when he does.

I stop my hands and apologize, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully."

"No, I'm glad you did. I want as much time with you as I can before we have to leave," he says, my favorite smile on his face. Its a mixture of happiness and love.

We decide to order breakfast from room service just because we don't want to move. About 15 minutes later there's a knock at the door and Michael gets up, throws some sweatpants on as I pull the blankets up to my chin, and answers the door, tipping the guy and bringing our food back to the bed.

After we eat, we get dressed, start packing our bags up and head out the door. I look back at the door, sad to say goodbye to room 1120 and head to the elevator.

We check out of the hotel and put our bags in the car. Neither one of us wants to go. "One last walk on the beach?" he asks. I nod and we walk hand in hand down to the beach.

"Can you believe its only been two months?" he asks, finally breaking the silence.

"It's really weird," I tell him. "I feel like I've known you for years. I never knew it was possible to get this close to someone this quickly. Or to get this, well, attached. I have never felt anything so strongly before. I mean, yes, I loved TJ, but even in three years, I was never in love with him the way I am with you."

He nodded in agreement, "I know this will probably come off wrong, especially because we are still so young, but I honestly can't ever see a life without you. You've become my everything." He then chuckles bumping his hip into my side, "MRS Clifford!" I laugh with him, but I can't get that thought out of my head. Hello Cara! You're 19 years old and have known him for two months! What the crap is wrong with you?

We finally get back to the car and begin the 4 hour drive home. The drive that neither of us wants to take.

We are both deep in thought for a long time. I've been thinking about everything that's happened in the last two months. Michael has made such a huge impact on me. When I'm with him, I feel like I can accomplish anything. Like anything is possible as long as I'm with him.

Our silence is interrupted by his phone ringing. Back to reality. Everyone knows we're due back today, so I guess they feel like it's okay to call now.

"Hey mate, what's up?" Michael answers. "Yeah, we're driving back now. What's up?" I can hear Ashton now freaking out about something, but I can't make out what he's saying.

"NO FREAKING WAY!" Michael yells, "Louis Tomlinson? As in THE Louis Tomlinson? One Direction's Louis Tomlinson?"

"Holy shit!"

"200 THOUSAND?! Oh my god Ash! This is so fucking cool!"

"Alright, see ya in a few hours"

"Later" He finally hangs up the phone and looks at me with a huge smile on his face. "Louis Tomlinson, from One Direction, saw some of our YouTube videos and tweeted about us! Our follower count has increased by 200 thousand since this morning! Holy shit Cara!!" Holy shit is right!

"Oh my god Mikey! This is awesome!! This is just what you guys needed! Everyone's going to love you guys! How could they not?! You guys are awesome!"

"Wouldn't it be so cool if we actually ended up recording a real album?! And went on a huge world tour?! And we'd have, like, millions of fans?! Oh my god that'd be so cool!"

Millions of fans...millions of girls...traveling the world... far away from me... I don't like where my thoughts are leading. Stop Cara! Don't think that way. Do NOT ruin this moment for him. His happiness is all that matters. He's ecstatic right now. Be happy for him.

"Cara?" He interrupts my thoughts. "Hu? What? Sorry."

"You okay, angel?"

"Yeah, just thinking, that's all. I'm really excited for you guys."

*Michael's POV*

"Wouldn't it be so cool if we actually ended up recording a real album?! And went on a huge world tour?! And we'd have, like, millions of fans?! Oh my god that'd be so cool!" I know I'm rambling but when we started the band, this was like our ultimate dream!

I look over at Cara and her smile has disappeared. There's a sadness in her eyes. What did I say? I think back. Recording an album? World tour? Oh. Millions of fans? Millions of girls. I know how some of them can get. We already have some that talk about us sexually. Shit. I fucked that up, didn't I?

"Hu? What? Sorry."
"You okay, angel?"
"Yeah, just thinking, that's all. I'm really excited for you guys."

She's really excited for us, the band. She's not excited about it for her.

"Yeah, let's not get ahead of ourselves though. Its just a tweet. That's all." We'll cross that bridge when we get there. If we ever do. No use stressing about something that may never happen.

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