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*Michael's POV*

"Bye Dad! Bye Mom!" Cara calls out to her parents as we pile into Regan's jetta. Apparently we're heading to a club downtown for an "18 and over" night. The club known as Indigo.

(a/n: this is a real thing in a real club in my hometown when the college students are gone)

We're all excited to go out and let off some steam. It takes about 20 minutes to get downtown. Downtown consists of two one-way streets and an alley between them that runs for about 20 blocks. That's it. Really a cute town, if you ask me! We park in a parking garage and walk out, turning right. "It's one block down, turn right, then one block over," Regan announces. Cool. Its close by. About halfway down the block, Cara grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. She starts swinging our arms back and forth as we walk with a huge smile on her face. I love seeing her so happy. Big cities aren't her element, obviously. We turn the corner onto the main drag and she starts skipping. She's so cute! I can tell where Indigo is by the small line out front. When we are just about to reach the line, Cara freezes then turns around to leave. Regan whips around and grabs Cara's wrist, stopping her. Cal and I look at each other confused. Regan puts her hands on Cara's cheeks to make sure she keeps eye contact.

"You got this. Fuck him. Remind him of what he messed up!" Oh. What are the chances of this? Four hours away and she ends up at the same club as her ex?

Regan raises both eyebrows questioningly at Cara and they both get a devilish grin on their faces. This is gonna be fun!

"Time to fuck with some assholes!" Cara says, pulling me to the bouncer and we show our id's. We walk in, still hand in hand, and down the stairs into what a huge room with a huge dancefloor in the center. A bar and tables with stools on one side, booths on the opposite side. At the far end is a stage and Calum and I both get excited. We go to the right, to the main bar, seeing pool tables behind it. This place is awesome! Its so much bigger inside than you'd ever expect!

We grab our drinks (nonalcoholic but oh well) and snag a booth as people get up from it. Calum and I climb in first, across from each other, Regan sits by Calum and Cara scooches in next to me.

"Eeek!" Cara squeals as a new song starts. She jumps up and grabs Regan out of the booth. Cara eyes a couple down further and grins at Regan. They don't go onto the dancefloor as the intro ends and leads into the song.

Did I let you down to get that sound
And break my knees to get release
And you needed some just to take you from
And I hit you more
Is your face still sore?

Sorry but I tried
It was never mine
And I can still pretend
I guess it all depends
I'm still a little crazy all the time
But I still try to hide it
That's still mine

Cal and I exchanged amused glances. Not only do we know the song, but I'm pretty sure Luke knows Marianas Trench personally! Calum takes his phone out and records them dancing Josh Ramsey's dance during the chorus.

Try a little more
little more
little more
They slap you like a bitch
and you take it like a whore

At one point I saw Cara glaring at the couple down from us again, singing the chorus like she was singing directly at them. That must be her ex and his new girlfriend. Cara was having fun, and that's all that matters! The song ended and Panic! At The Disco started. The girls pulled Cal and I up and onto the dancefloor over closer to her exes table. I know what she's up to, and this is a great song to do it.

A moment you'll never remember
And a night you'll never forget!

All you sinners stand up, sing hallelujah (hallelujah!)
Show praise with your body
Stand up, sing hallelujah (hallelujah!)
And if you can't stop shaking, lean back
Let it move right through ya (hallelujah!)
Say your prayers

Cara starts grinding on me and damn she can move! She can seriously turn me on!

My life started the day I got caught
Under the covers
With secondhand lovers
Oh, tied up in pretty young things
In a state of emergency
Who was I tryna be?

Then the time for being sad is over
And you miss 'em like you miss no other
And being blue is better than being over it (over it)

She glared behind me momentarily then looked back to me, turning her back to my front and started rubbing her tight ass on my front. Ok, time to step up the game!

I was drunk and it didn't mean a thing
Stop thinking about
The bullets from my mouth
I love the things you hate about yourself
Just finished a daydream
Who were you tryna be?

Then the time for being sad is over
And you miss 'em like you miss no other
And being blue is better than being over it (over it)

No one wants you when you have no heart and
I'm sitting pretty in my brand new scars and
You'll never know if you don't ever try again
So let's try
Let's try
Let's try

All you sinners stand up, sing hallelujah (hallelujah!)
Show praise with your body
Stand up, sing hallelujah (hallelujah!)
And if you can't stop shaking, lean back
Let it move right through ya (hallelujah!)

The song ended and I shifted uncomfortably. Damnit! She's the only girl on earth who can give me a hard on while dancing. She turned back to me, pulling me close to her and apparently felt my problem. She looked down and giggled. The closeness of our bodies did not help my current situation. She started dragging me back to the booth, holding onto my shirt with both hands, walking backwards. She kept us close until we reached the booth and she let me hurry in.

"Sorry 'bout that Mikey!" she said, sliding in next to me. This girl will be the death of me!

*Cara's POV*

"I know what you were doing out there," he says. I look down at my hands to avoid looking at him. He must hate me now. I've ruined everything. Again. I ruin everything good. I didn't intend to give him a hard on. Granted, it added to my successful attempt of making TJ jealous and piss him off, I could tell. But I don't want to hurt Michael. He's been so sweet and I really like him. Oh shit, did I say that? I can't. No!

"I don't mind," he continues. "He's a dick and deserves every bit of this. And it's keeping me from punching him in the face for hurting you so bad! I only have one request."

He places his hand under my chin, raising my head to look him in the eyes. Those beautiful green eyes.

"Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel. As long as you're honest with yourself, don't ever worry about me," and he leans in and quickly kisses me softly on the lips. I feel like fireworks are shooting through my veins.

Be honest with myself? I REALLY like Michael Clifford.

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