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*Michael's POV*

We've been at the studio every day this week and it has been amazing. I still can't believe we're actually recording! It's a dream come true! The only thing I don't like is that I've barely gotten to see Cara. At least I get to fall asleep and wake up with her in my arms. I don't think I could focus if I didn't.

We finally finished recording about half an hour ago. John, the producer, wants to play it for us, but I'm making everyone wait for Cara. She should be here shortly and doesn't know it's done, she was just planning on coming over to watch us after she got off work.

"So Michael, tell me about this girl who has you so wrapped." I know he's messing around about being wrapped, but I willingly admit, to myself only, that it's true.

"It's hard to explain. You'll just have to see for yourself," I tell him.

"It's about time!" Calum calls out. He's so impatient it drives me crazy. I turn around to see Cara standing in the doorway, hesitant to come in. She has gained a lot of self confidence, but is still reserved with new people. It doesn't take her very long anymore though to warm up to them. She rolled her eyes at Calum, "Yeah yeah yeah, shut it Cal!" then walked over to me and laced her left hand through mine.

"Sorry it took so long to get here. My last shoot took longer than expected. It's really hard to get good shots of a newborn at night!" she chuckled.

"It's not a problem here. Calum's just irritatingly impatient! I'm John, by the way." putting his hand out. She shook his hand saying "Cara."
"It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ashton came bouncing over "Now that Care Bear's here, can we pleeeeeease hear it?" Cara's eyes lit up with excitement as she looked at me.
"You guys finished it?!"
"Yup," I told her, "About a half hour ago. We were waiting for you before we listen to it."

"Michael was waiting for you to listen to it. We could've heard it already and been home by now," Calum snapped off. He's been a dick all day and he's pissing me off.

"What's your problem today Cal?" Cara asked. "Regan on her period?" He turned red and looked down. Damn she's good!
John started laughing. "Now I see why you like her Mike!" He pressed a button and guitar sounded through the room as She Looks So Perfect played. After a minute, Cara asked who wrote it and Ashton excitedly said, "Mikey and I did!" Luke chimed in, "I didn't know Michael wore black lace underwear!" I smacked him on the back of the head and everyone burst out laughing, except Cara who screeched "Luke!!" She turned bright red and buried her face in embarrassment.

John laughed saying,
"Sounds like there's a story there!"
"I kinda walked in on them once," Luke admitted.
"At least you got a good view! All I saw was Mikey's ass the other day!"
Cara groaned. "I hate this band!" and the room erupted into laughter. Once the laughter died out, the song changed over to Heartache On The Big Screen. Cara quietly sang along while dancing along on my lap until I told her in a whisper, "Hey Angel? You might wanna stop doing that. At least until we get home?" Her eyes widened and she rolled her lips in. John started laughing quietly to himself. The third song we put on the EP was The Only Reason. She knew I wrote it and the only other time she heard it, it made her cry. So when it started, I wrapped my arms around her, she leaned back against my chest and I rested my chin on top of her head. She closed her eyes during the song, smiling at my solos. John looked questioningly at me. I just shook my head, mouthed "Long story" to him, then kissed the top of her head. The last one was Disconnected. "Calum and Luke wrote this," I whispered. She nodded, slightly dancing around, but this time only with her upper body. Out of nowhere she asked, "Calum? Did you write this for Regan?!" She got a huge smile from Calum and he looked away. 12 hours of him being a prick today and after only 20 minutes around Cara, his pissy mood disappears.

When it ended, John asked, "So what do you guys think?" Everyone chimed in their thoughts on it, talking excitedly. Cara just listened quietly, smiling, until John asked her what she thought. She looked surprised to be included, but said she absolutely loved it. When John asked her if she had any input, her eyes lit up.

"Well, actually, I was bored at work, so was playing around on Photoshop and came up with a cool idea for a cover." She shrugged and I looked at her in awe. A few months ago, she would have been too embarrassed to even mention it!

Luke jumped up and grabbed Cara's bag for her. "Really?! I love your photography stuff! Can we see? Pleeeease?!" and handed her the laptop from her bag and everyone crowded around as she opened her laptop. John smiled at her background, a picture of she and I in Virginia Beach. She brought up her design and everyone loved it. Especially John.

"That is way cool Cara! Can you send that to me?"
"Yeah, sure!"

"Well guys, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to head back to my hotel. Early flight back to LA tomorrow."

John handed each of us a CD, our CD, and we said our goodbyes and headed home.

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