Thug Love

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Kendall Pov

Me and Game are in his Range Rover on way home from this shopping trip. So while sitting at this stop light this big SUV pulls up on my side and throws a drink at me. i initially thought it was beer but it turn out to be piss. I'm trying my best calm down Game and keep him in the car.

Guy- I fucking hate you Kardashian whores. You fucking nigger lover

The guy then spit at my window that is now winded up. As soon that happens Game outside the car the guy runs a red light and pulls off. Game hops back in our car and the light turns green and he follows him.

Game Pov

Kendall is trying calm me down but i'm not listening. But i do start to smell piss in my car.

Game- Yo did he throw a cup of piss at you ?

She shakes her head no. I know shes fucking lying. I can smell that shit. I follow these fuck boys to a gas station. i hand Kendall my pistol from my pants kuz i didn't want to kill you niggas. i get out the car and the dude rushes me and attacks me from behind. so i'm on the ground being the fuck boy he is, he starts yells at Kendall telling her she needs to be with someone like him or his son & she needs to stop being a nigger lover. When i hear that i'm going Brazy i get up and his son hits me in my back with a bat. But blood hit like a bitch i turn around he drops the bat. I hit him with a left hook and he sleep. i pick up the bat hit the dude in the back of his legs causing him to fall. i get on top of him punching him until i can hear Kendall screaming my government name telling me to stop. i start to hear police sirens but i didn't give a fuk. i drag the daddy by the son and piss on them both. Kuz that's how Bomton Niggas do it.

Tyga Pov

I thought about going seeing Chyna tonight but i changed my mind. And whateva she wants to tell me she can say over the phone. Anyways my boo said she brought something sexy today and wants model it for me. I'm not going to lie i'm fuckin excited. So Chyna can die and i would give zero fucks. I just can't wait until Kylie gets home. I'm sitting on my bed watching Law & Order and shit and Kylie come home with a fucking attitude. Making all this fucking noise, slamming doors, stomping and shit.

Ty- What's wrong with you ?

She doesn't say nothing just throws her phone at me. But i don't know what i'm suppose to be looking at. So she comes out the bathroom in her Pajamas i ask her.

Ty- What i'm i suppose to be looking at?

Ky- Did you fuck that fat groupie bitch.

I guess she talking bout Tiffany. Tiffany wasn't fat.

Ty- Why does it matter we wasn't even together.

Ky- You Know what ? im sleeping in guest room tonight. Good Night

Man fuck her she'll be back in my bed before i wake up tomorrow morning.

Kendall Pov

Me and Jay are laying down getting ready to go to bed.

Kendall- Jay let me see your phone

Game- Why???

Kendall- I need to delete that girl India out of your contacts.

Game- What me India are just friends.

Kendall- You can't be friends with someone you used to date.

I put my hand out so he can hand me the phone.

Game- Kendall we are really just friends. like nothing is going on.

Jay must think i'm dumb. But i aint for his shit.

Kendall- What color are her eyes?

Game- ummmmm. What? I don't know

Kendall- you don't know the color of her eyes cuz you spend all your time staring at her boobs. You have a girlfriend now. I know you want to make her happy right?

Game hands me the phone. I delete the number. but let him keep the pictures he has saved in his phone for his 1 on 1 time with himself.

Kylie Pov

I wake up in the morning & i realized i might over reacted last night. i go to Ty room to talk to him and apologize. When i walk inside i see him reading something that looked like a script. It kinda weird because I've never seen him read and didn't know he wore glasses. I get in his bed and snuggle next to him.

Ky- I'm sorry about last night.

Ty doesn't take eyes off his paper.

Ty- I know. i forgive you.

Ky- What you mean you know?

Ty finally puts down the paper.

Ty- look Kylie i got to finish reading this script. alright?

i don't like how he's not really paying any attention to me. So i him im not wearing anything under my robe. Still no response.

Ky- Really T?

He finally puts down that damn paper.

Ty- do you know what happen to my condoms? i had like 20 of them and now i have none.

Ky- i put them in the trash.


The door bell rings Ty quickly get dressed and looks out the window to see who it is.

Ty- Its the police. Go get dressed and and be quite.

Tyga Pov

I'm still thinking why this bitch threw away my condoms. I go downstairs and answer the door.

Ty- Hello Officer how may i help you.

Officer- Are you Michael Ray Stevenson ?

Ty- Yea that's Me.

Officer- You are wanted for questioning for the Rape and Murder of Angela White (Chyna)

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