I'm not ready

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Two Weeks later

Kylie Pov

Its the middle of the afternoon 

"Baby we have to stop."  I say laying on back after he took off my panties. I think it might be too soon to be taking this step in the  our relationship, even though everybody thinks we already having sex.    

"nah we good look." He grabs a condom from his nightstand. "Come on just let me put the tip in if it hurts too much I'll stop."  I know  he going to be a little mad. 

"Baby I'm not  ready for this yet."

"Alright."  He sighs and  rolls  over in the bed to get our clothes  from off the floor. I get dressed in my pajamas.   I know i misled him for him to believe tonight was the night. He get dressed and he looks mad or frustrated or whateva, but im just not ready to take that step with him yet. I know he will understand he just needs some time.  

"I'm sorry baby."

"Its cool"he rolls his eyes as he grabs his keys and wallet from his night stand. "Hey I'm going to the store. do u want anything?"

"Umm I'll take  some jelly beans and orange soda." His kisses me on my forehead. i sit up in the bed. 

"Bae  i'll be back. When i get back when can watch that vampire shit you been trying to make me watch". I get excited when he says that cuz i've been trying to get him 2 watch it with me for so long.

"Really? So your not mad at me?"

"Im not mad you. I get it your not ready and I'm not going rush you. I'll wait as long as it takes you to get ready. Cuz  I love you."

" u-u love me? 

" Yes.   You don't need to say it back cuz that's not why i said it."  He surprised me when he said that. I didn't even know what to do so i just i nodded my head as he talked. My phone rings and it is Khloe. While I'm on the phone with her Ty leaves to go to the store.  

3 days later

Tyga Pov

I'm hanging out with my engineer Jess at his house in his little theater watching some weird show about wives trying to kill their husbands. Anyways  Jess always gives good  advice and he knows me best since we spend so much time together writing & creating  music. The only thing i don't like about talking to Jess is that he always saying i have a sex addiction.

"T to me it sounds like your sex addiction is driving you crazy."  this nigga is annoying. 

"Dawg i don't have a sex addiction. stop saying that shit .  i just LOVE PUSSY. My problem with her isn't that we not having sex. It's that she will  fuckin tease me all fucking day. Then when i think we bout to fuck SHE TURNS INTO A FUCKING NUNN MAN." Jess thinks that funny"

"Damn now that's fucked  up. She can't be doing that. But  look  just use this time to get to know her." 

"I don't need to get to know her anymore. I love her."

 "You love her?"  Jess is side eyeing me right now cuz i rarely say i love any girl. I remember this one  time i said it to Chyna is when she got suckin me off and i was like " girl i love the way you suck dick. u need to teach a class on sucking dick cuz when i get new bitch she need to suck dick just as good as you. She got mad and hit me but after that i fucked the shit out of here so we was all good afterwards.  

"Like no games no bullshit. I fuckin love this girl and its fuckin driving me crazy."  Jess has a surprised look on his face.

"Wow. you are serious."


"My advice to you is don't fool around  with her anymore."Jess just said the dumbest shit i ever herd. How are we going to fuck if we don't fool around. 

" What?" I get up and walk to the kitchen  refrigerator to get a drink after hearing that. 

"Yo T hear me out."Jess follows me to the kitchen. "Look you wont be in a position for her to let you down again, if you wait for her to make that move . Even if she makes wait a little bit longer It's not like she going to make you wait for marriage cuz She's a Kardashian and they need dick to survive." 

Jess laughs his ass off. I didn't think it was that funny. Me and Jess grab a beer and over the track list for the tour i'm going on with Wiz,Chris Kid Ink and Rae Sremmurd . 

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