The Call

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Kylie Pov 

I stare a phone and wonder if i should say something. i immediately hang up the phone and take the bed linen off the bed and proceed to take a shower. I get out the shower dry off brush my teeth and wrap the towel around and enter my room. Kim and Kourtney are waiting inside sitting on my beanbag chairs. Which scared  the shit out of me.  

"Umm What are you guys doing here?" I head to my closet to get dressed. 

"I miss you I haven't seen you in such a long time. With me being busy with the kids and work. So since Scott has the kids today i came to visit you."  I don't think Kourtney knows anything but  Kim clearly has a secret agenda of being besides wanting to see me. 

 "I came by to see how things are coming along with school. When Khloe was home schooled she doing a lot of coming and going and coming and going and coming. Kourt do you remember when Khlo came to church with Ranch dressing on her skirt?" I fucking hate Kim she is so annoying. I wish she just mind her business. It' not like i made a sextape i was just enjoying my man company. i  want to stab her with my knife so bad right now.  

"That wasn't dressing it was cum." 

" Ops i always thought it was dressing. Anyways Ky why does it smell like sex in your room?" 

" And what happened to your sheets? " i  can't believe kourtney is in on this to. I walk out the closet outfit in mm. 

"Look Kim cut the bullshit what do you know ?" i'm tired of the bullshit

"its not about what i know. it about who else i decide to tell."

"I'm thinking Mom"

"See Kourt she nice cuz i was thinking about the LAPD. " Neither of them have the balls. I'm just going ignore them. I kicked them out my room put a load in the wash and went shopping with Heather. 

Tyga Pov

I landed in Miami fl and i had literately 37 missed phone  calls from Kylie, Kris. Kim & Heather. As I'm walking out out the airport Heather calls me again so i answer.  


"bout time your Wonton  ass answered the phone." Heather is like sister but i don't got time for no jokes right now. 

"What the fuck do you want? why  do you keep calling me." 

 "Whoa someone mad?"

"Yea i'm mad i had to fly muh fuckin coach. I'm a fucking king i don't fly coach."

"Aww Mikey do you need a binky? cuz you are acting like a big ass baby right now. you crying bout how you had to fly coach. but bitch you got there safe right? So shut the fuck up. i'm going put on the phone with Kylie she has to talk to you and its very serious."   She lucky i don't got for shit right now, cuz she wasn't i fly back to La to put her in her place. Heather knocks on the bathroom door.

"I'll tell her to call her when she gets out the bathroom." 

I hang up the phone. I don't  know what the fuck Heather is talkin bout but i know she not pregnant so i know its not that serious. I remember when Heather did this shit before, she put me on the phone with some bitch i never met in my life talkin bout she havin my baby and shit. I asked the girl what my dick look like and she said i was small. I said  Bitch I'm T-Raww skinny nigga big balls. long story short that's how i met lil bow wow baby mama.   

Kris Jenner calls me after i get off the phone with the Heather i answer it. 

"Hello?"  I wondering what she wants.

 "Hey are you busy ?"

"no I'm free right now." I get in my car service and head to the hotel. 

" Can i get your opinion on this song."

"sure." This has to weirdest conversation  

she plays the audio.  when she started to play it i was so embarrassed when i realized what it was . 

Tyga- who pussy is this?

Kylie- Yours baby

Tyga- whats my name? ... i said whats my name? 

Kylie- T- Papi  T- Papi Oh fuck i'ma cum again

Tyga-  How you feel?

Kylie- Like i cant move. 

Tyga- well i got to go home and take a shower than catch my flight.

Kylie- Give me a kiss.

Tyga- What  i don't kiss after

Kylie- if you don't give kiss. 

Tyga- Ky sitters are quilters  don't quit on me again.

Kylie-  I wont 

Tyga- When you wake up make sure you  clean your room and wash your sheets and shit cuz u squirted everywhere. 

Kris Jenner stops the audio. I wish she done that sooner cuz i couldn't listen to that shit. I wan't ask her so many questions about how she got the audio. 

"Hello are you still here?" 

"Yea I'm here."

" do you want me to play more audio cuz i can start it from the beginning." 

" Na I'm good. So what do you want" 

"Its simple call things off with my daughter or i leak this to Lapd. Its your decision?"

I had no choice but listen to Kris Jenner.

"alright i'll do it." 

"Kanye  said you were smart."   

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