late night ink

194 8 4

here's your fluff


"Goodnight!" I called out to everyone as I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom to wash off the chlorine then go to bed. I was tired.

After I got out the shower I stepped back into our room and saw Jai was lying in bed on his phone.

"Goodnight" I crawled into bed beside him and kissed his nose before turning over and closing my eyes. "Love you" I mumbled to him.

"I love you too" he giggled and kissed my exposed collarbone. He began sucking on there and I swatted him away sleepily.

"Jai get off I'm asleep" I grumbled.

"Urgh okay you bore" I heard him sigh and lie back down next to me pressing his body right up against mine and resting his hand on my hip.

5 minutes later I was sleeping soundly but Jai soon sat up turned on a lamp and woke me up.

"Stop doing that" he moaned to me.

"Doing what?" I frowned, half asleep.

"Shaking your ass on my fucking dick it's not fair!" he said childishly. I woke up a bit more and laughed at him.

"I'm sorry I wriggle in my sleep!" I sarcastically apologised.

"I know but not usually on my dick" he frowned.

"Okay I'm sorry goodnight again" I rolled my tired eyes and kissed him lightly again before turning off the lamp and closing my eyes. He immediately leaned over and turned it back on.

"What did I do this time?" I whined and rubbed my eyes. "Did my lip move and your dick just couldn't handle it?"

"I can't sleep" he pouted.

"Unfortunately for you, I can. So fuck off"

"Rude" he chuckled and climbed out of bed and went to walk out of the door downstairs probably to watch crappy football till he passed out. But he stopped at the doorway and turned back to me.

"Wanna go on an adventure?"


"I don't really think this counts as an adventure" I pointed out out to him as I squinted and wrapped his hoodie further around my pyjamas, looking up at the glowing Walmart sign in front of me.

"Well it was in paper towns so it is now too" he nodded and linked our hands together and dragged me towards the entrance,

"Are you secretly a John green fan?"

"What? Pssh no why would you think that?" he waved me off.

"Because you quoted the fault in our stars last night, now you're talking about paper towns. What next looking for Alaska references?"

"Hey don't bash looking for Alaska it is an amazing book!" he defended.

"Ha!" I poked my finger in his face as we walked into the store.

"So what are we here for?" I watched him pull over a red cart to me.


"The ultimate bae" I nodded and we walked over to the chocolate isle. "What do we need food for? Might we get hungry as we get revenge on all that have wronged us, paper towns style?"

"Ha miss sarcastic no were not we'd need way too many planes for that so tonight were-"

"Breaking into seaworld" I jumped in excitedly, I was still tired.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now