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"Maely, Maely, Maaaaaeelllllyy, Maely, Maely, Maely" someone poked me.

"What?" I mumbled angrily opening my eyes and seeing Leigh's face in mine.

"You need to get up now the bus is about to leave" she said casually and threw me a pair of sweatpants and a muscle tee.

"Shit" I jumped up and pulled the clothes on ignoring my pounding head. "What time is it?"

"I don't know like eleven" she pushed me out of the room and into the lift, pulling our suitcases behind us.

"So everyone's downstairs?"


"And you were all waiting for me?"


"Then why the fuck didn't you wake me up earlier!" I shouted at her.

"Check twitter" she giggled and stepped out the elevator and walked over to everyone as I pulled out my phone and saw a tweet.

@JaiBrooks1: She still didn't wake up

Attached was a video of them screaming things down my ear to wake me up.

"I'm pregnant"

"We're all naked"

"Ashton Irwin leaked nudes" Lesley shouted at me, I widened my eyes in real life but still didn't move in the video.

"Did he actually?!" I shouted to them.

"Unfortunately not" they laughed at me.

"Come on we need to go" Luke hurried us and shoved us on the bus.

"You need to chill" I said and jumped onto one of the couches lying fully down next to Jai who was on twitter.

"Hai Jai-Jai" I stole his beanie and pulled it onto my head.

"Give me back me beanie" he moaned.

"Nope" I grinned and pulled the beanie down over my eyes and didn't let go.

"Give it" he tickled me again.

"No Jai stop! I can't see" I giggled.

"So I could have my dick in your face and you wouldn't know?"

"Oh my God gross, fine you can have it" I fake gagged .

"Nah you can keep it actually you look cute in it" he grumbled and pulled it back over my eyes and took a picture of me.

"You're such a freak" I rolled my eyes and spun so I was facing the group.

"Where are we going?" Leigh called out without looking away from her phone.

"It's a surprise" Jai answered.

"Why?" Emily groaned.

"Because it is" Luke shrugged as the bus pulled over. I peered out of the window and saw that we were at starbucks.

"Yay starbucks, cause we never go there" I rolled my eyes again.

"Sarcastic bitch" Jai called out jokingly as we all piled out of the bus.

"Annoying twat" I shouted back making an old couple shoot us glares from inside.

"This wasn't the surprise" Beau laughed as we got our drinks and ran back out of the door and raced back into the bus.

"Really?" Lesley asked us a disappointed look painted on her pale face, Leigh rolled her eyes. 

"Sarcasm Lesley, sarcasm" Leigh sassed. "You're an idiot" Leigh laughed.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now