plane rides

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"Maely hurry up and run!" Emily shouted to me.

"Aw you don't know me at all, I don't run" I flipped her off and continued to walk through the crowded airport. I dropped my sunglasses onto my nose and grinned at a crowd of fans that had shown up. They screamed the boys names and I felt sorry for them cause the boys hadn't heard.

"Jai!" I screamed he stopped and turned around motioning for everyone to follow him.


"Go and take pictures with them" I commanded them. They obeyed me and walked into the mass of fans, I went and sat down with the girls on a bench.

"Could I have a picture?" I heard a voice ask timidly behind us.

"Us?" Lesley asked confused and the girl of about 13 nodded.

"Why?" Leigh laughed, "were nothing"

"You's are goals though" the girl gushed

"You're all so nice and funny on twitter" she giggled.

"Erm sure then?" Emily answered getting up and standing next to the girl.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Brooklyn" she smiled and we all posed for the picture. "Could you follow me on twitter? It's @jaispornos"

I laughed loudly at her twitter name and pulled out my phone, opening the twitter app.

"Obviously, by the way I love your name" I giggled.

"Well make sure the boys follow you later cutie" Leigh said as she walked away towards her group of friends.

"That was cool" Leigh breathed sitting down again.

"That was weird since when did people care about us?" Emily asked confused.

"I care about you" Luke said scaring her.

"God don't do that" she said holding her hand up to her chest.

"We need to get to the plane" Daniel said walking over to us looking at something on his phone. We all got up and made our way to the gate and waiting to board.

"Lesley sit next to me" I whined.

"And me!" Leigh chimed in.

"I've never felt more loved" Lesley gushed.

"Don't get used to it bitch" I quipped handing the man at the the gate my ticket.

"So I'm just being abandoned?" Emily came over faking being disappointed.

"Nope you're sitting next to me" Luke smiled pulling her close, Emily looked to his hand on her waist and removed it disgusted.

"Whatever" she chuckled strolling onto the plane. We took our seats and prepared for the flight to Atlanta.

As we began speeding down the runway I started to think about the text I read on Jai's phone.

Why was she coming?

I was 100% sure she hadn't even tried to speak to him the few weeks we've been on tour so far. I wonder if he had read the text yet. I looked over to him and saw he was smiling at his phone his red beats headphones sat on his messy dark head. He started lip syncing discretely to the song, I laughed and shook my head. He's such an idiot. I put my own headphones on and sat back for the flight.

"Were going the toilets" Leigh mouthed pulling Lesley out of her seat. I simply nodded and gulped more of my diet coke. I saw Jai grinning at me and suddenly he stood up and jumped backwards into Lesley's seat next to me.

"Hey Maelman" I laughed at the nickname.

"Hi Jaidude?" I puzzled over a name for him.

"That sucks" he laughed at my name for him.

"I'm still tired I'm not on my best for coming up with names" I complained resting my head on his shoulder.

"Sleep then dickhead" he laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulder and rubbing my arm soothingly. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off to sleep on him.

I woke up a few hours later to a camera sound and a flash. I blinked and felt Jai groan above me. My phone buzzed in my pocket I sat up and checked it.

@Lesley_brown: got sat next to some sleeping freaks :/

It had a picture of me and Jai sleeping, peaceful smiles on out faces cuddled together.

"What's your obsession with making us look like a couple" I groaned and yawned and glimpsing at Jais bewildered face. His arm was still resting casually on my hip even though he was awake and aware now.

"Are we there yet?" he asked sounding like an 8 year old.

"No we've legit still got like 3 hours" Leigh informed us before taking Jai's seat next to Beau.

"Urghhh this is boring" I complained.

"You two have been sleeping the whole time so far how's it boring for you" Lesley pointed out.

"I had to look at your face and it bored me to death" I said blankly.

Jai laughed in the middle of us.

"I'm gotta pee" I announced loudly standing and walking to the back of the plane.

"Thanks for the info" Luke said as I walked past him, I messed up his curls and giggled with emily as he immediately tried to fix it.

When I got back to my seat I saw there was a diet coke and sandwich on the table thing. I jumped down and grabbed half of the sandwich shoving most of it in my mouth. Jai laughed and took the other half making me frown at him.

"Why are you eating my sandwich?" I moaned trying to get it off him.

"What're you doing?" he chuckled as I went to pull it out of his hand.

"You suck that's my sandwich" I pouted and crossed my arms. Childish I know but I don't care.

"There's a whole other half there!" he pointed out. "And I bought it so I deserve half"

"Oh whatever then" I sipped my diet coke and got my laptop out of my bag. I connected to the planes wifi (omg I know planes with wifi) I went on netflix and clicked on an episode of orange is the new black.

"Jai?" he had his eyes closed again. Jesus this kid can sleep. I poked his face and his captivating eyes opened. "Want to watch oitnb with me?"

"Huh? Oh yeah okay" he replied taking the headphone I was holding out for him.

After another episode we ended up turning the laptop off for the rest of the flight and just talking, making each other laugh. As we got off the plane I looked over and started laughing at Jai and James who were trying to sing Beyonce. Then, I felt a hand on my upper arm so I spun around and saw the elderly couple who were sitting in the row next to us.

"You make such a lovely couple" she smiled sweetly and gestured to a Jai who was now twerking against a wall. I went to tell her we weren't a couple but she had already disappeared.

Thanks I guess?

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