pools and twatcams

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"So who's gonna jump first?" Jai breathed as we watched the water.

We were stood in a line on the end on the edge of the pool just waiting to jump/be pushed into the water.

"Not me" I said holding my hand up.

"Me either" they all said.

"I think Maels should go first it was her idea!" Jai said, finally breaking our line and walking over to me.

"What are you doing?" I squealed as he went to pick me up and throw me in.

"Guess, dumbass" Leigh snorted.

"You're going in" Jai announced and as he pushed me I grabbed his arm to pull me back up but pulled him in too.

When we came back up the others had all slid in the water and were having an intense argument over who splashed Lesley's hair making it run.

"Can't believe you just pulled me in" Jai huffed crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well believe it bitch cause I did" I giggled.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah" I nodded and grinned, swimming away from him and over to Leigh who was intensely making out with Beau.

"LEIGH!" I screamed down her ear making her jump away and fall under the water.

"Fuck!" She screamed loudly as she came back up her hair in rat tails.

"Poor baby" I cooed as she huffed and crossed her arms so I swam closer and wrapped my arms around her back, scratching her as I went.

"Bitch you scratched me" she shouted and punched my arm hardly.

"You little slut" I lunged at her and we started half play fighting and half real fighting in the water, which was extremely difficult.

"All I wanted to do was ask could you out music on and I get fucking attacked" I shouted at her.

"Why couldn't you have put the music on yourself you cow" she pushed me but not hard so I slapped her. "Could someone get this away from me?" She screamed gesturing to me on her shoulders. I felt two hands grab my waist and pull me from her shoulders back into the water. Jai had got me down in time for me to hear she's kinda hot blast from the speakers.

"Whoever put this on I love you more than Winnie loves honey" I shouted and danced in the pool.

"I love you more than mr krab loves money though" Emily chimed in.

"Mine was better" I smirked.

"It was me so thank you ladies for loving me that much" Luke wrapped an arm around each of us and pulled us close to him.

"Okay I lied I don't love you" I unwrapped his arm and leaned against the wall of the pool. He kept his arm around Emily's shoulder though and I saw her smile slightly at him. Aww cuties.

"WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING OUT HERE?" A deep voice shouted from the door.

"Fuck run!" Beau screamed as we all grabbed our clothes and speed walked (me and Leigh) and sprinted (everyone else) out of the door and into the elevator narrowly avoiding the angry guard.

"Did I forget to mention the pool closes at 11 and it's now 3am?" I said timidly and shrunk into the corner.

"Fucking retard" James laughed as we got to our floor.

"I'm not tired yet though" Jai announced as we stood at each of our doors.

"Can we do a twitcam?" Beau slurred, the only one still drunk. They all agreed and we, the girls, stood awkwardly. We don't do twitcams with them.

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