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Jai's pov: (ooo damn finally it's been like 21 chapters before this)

"Maels what just happened?!" I pounded on the door to our room. I'd been doing this since she ran away into our room a few minutes ago. A choked sob echoed through the door and my heart broke a little bit. "Come on please let me in babe"

I heard a bang from downstairs and then shouting and laughing. I sighed in frustration and walked down the stairs. They were all standing in the doorway with their hands over their eyes. Any other time I would have laughed at them but not right now. I decided to leave them standing there for a while so I strolled into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Jai? Maely? Can we open our eyes yet?" Luke shouted.

"You can open them, retards" I called out.

"Where's Maely?" Lesley asked, I pointed upwards and threw my head back onto the couch wondering why she'd ran away from me. I saw Lesley sprint up the stairs and walk straight into the door when she tried to open it. Half a second later she looked down over the open banister area to me and sent me a puzzled look. I sheepishly looked away and looked back down to my lap. She turned back to the door and started speaking quietly to Maels.

"So Jai what happened?" Luke asked girlishly and jumped onto the sofa next to me.

"I-" I was cut off by Lesley running down the stairs taking 3 steps at a time a furious look on her skinny face.

"Jai fucking brooks what the fuck did you do to my bestfriend?!" she screamed and stormed over to me.

"I swear I didn't do anything!" I rushed and took a step away from her.

"I have a fucking black belt and I can and will beat the fucking shit out of you if you did something to hurt her" she warned.

"You've got a black belt?" Luke asked.

"Yes" Lesley brushed him off and turned back to me.

"I promise I didn't! I sang to her-" I began to explain but Emily interrupted.

"No wonder she's locked in her room, you sang to her? Do you not know Maely at all?" she laughed and clapped.

"Yes and I guess she liked it, I told her I loved her and she told me she loved me too, we-"

"You fucked on the couch didn't you" Luke butted in and sprang from his seat, "Was it on the couch or can I sit back down? No you know what it's ruined, I'm done" he shook his head in disgust.

"Can you all stop interrupting me?!" I groaned "Yeah we fucked, no not on the couch, and then we came downstairs, I ordered pizza and we were just talking and she freaked out and locked herself in our room then you came in"

"Maely doesn't just freak out what were you talking about?" Leigh asked.

"I don't know" I ran my hands through my hair and flashed back to Maels doing the same not even an hour ago. "I said I compromised and sang All Time Low to her?"

"Fuck" Lesley breathed.

"What? What did I do?" I panicked.

"Shit" Leigh shook her head.


Maely's pov: (im sorry)

I slid down the door and rested my head between my knees. I could hear everyone talking downstairs, probably confused about why I ran away.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now