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no more drama bullshit but like this will be like a shitty and short filler

also HOW IS THIS ON LIKE 8 reading lists what the actual fuck like this is so fucking shit?! thank you for that even though it's really bad but ily thanks xoxo

"Babe. Babe. Babe. Maels. Maely. Maels. Baaabbbbbbeeeeeee" Jai kissed my face repeatedly.

"Oh my God what?" I grumbled and rubbed my eyes. I had just woken up.

"We're leaving" He said.

"Oh my fuck why do you's never wake me up?!" I half shouted and bounced out of bed and running over to the drawers.

"Because you look so cute sleeping" he smiled sweetly and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me as I searched my drawers for something to wear to the waterpark.

"Not the time" I shooed him away and pulled out a bikini. "Turn around"

"Why?" he laughed.

"Because I need to get changed? Duh"

"Maels I've seen you naked" he shook his head and chuckled.

"I don't care turn around"

"Okay okay calm down" he held his hands up in surrender and turned around slowly.

I quickly stripped and pulled on the bikini, shorts and t-shirt.

"Done" I announced.

"Finally" he dragged as I skipped into the bathroom. After I came out Jai was sitting on his phone waiting for me.

"Love birds come on" Luke's voice echoed through the house. I laughed and ran down the stairs dragging Jai with me.

We all shuffled out of the door and into the grey minivan, I sat in next to Jai in the very back and he interlocked our fingers as Beau started the car.

After we arrived we sped around and found a few chairs so we put our towels on them and I could feel Jai's eyes constantly on my body as I tugged my denim shorts down my short legs and pulled my t-shirt over my head.

"Leigh are you gonna bitch out again or come with us?" I grinned.

"I'm bitching out" she said nervously and sat down on one of the chairs slowly before pulling out her phone.

"You disgust me" I pulled a face but she just ignored it and continued to type something on her phone

"What's up her ass?" I frowned to Jai as we walked away.

"Besides Beau?" He said seriously making me snicker before he shrugged "I don't know"

"Shorty grab this" Luke called out from where we were getting our rubber rings. I took the rings from him and then tried to carry it over to Jai but due to the fact it was taller than me I fell through the hole and it landed at my feet.

"Aww" Jai laughed and held my hand, I stepped out of the hole and he lifted it his arms flexing a little bit as he did so making me stare at him.

"Stop staring, perv" he mocked before pulling me closer to him and kissing me.

"Aww look at the newest couple" Beau gushed next to us as we continued to kiss. "Okay you can stop now, stop, STOP!"

He pulled us apart as we started laughing and began the climb up the stairs to the start of the slide.

"So Beau what's up?" I said nonchalantly as the others were distracted hitting each other with the rubber rings.

"Nothing much but I had this really nice bacon sand-" he began but I interrupted him.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now