somewhere in neverland

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I rooted through my drawers in search of a top to wear with my pyjamas shorts and let out a loud groan when I couldn't find anything. It was 5pm, we came home from universal half an hour ago and decided we would order pizza and just do nothing all night. I looked across the room and saw Jai's black adidas hoodie and decided to just wear that.

After I slipped it over my head I pulled on a pair of socks and skipped out of the room and down the stairs into the living room. Jai, Luke, Skip and Emily were all sitting on the couch watching Orange is the new back, I jumped onto the couch next to Jai and began watching the TV.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked them.

"Leigh and Beau are in the pool I think and Lesley and James are fucking in their room" Skip said blankly.

"Nice" I grimaced and laughed, then i noticed Jai was staring at me.

"What?" I whispered to him.

"Are you wearing my hoodie?" he frowned.

"Yup" I nodded and turned back to the tv again.

"It looks cute on you" he kissed my cheek and returned his attention to Piper Chapman.

"Thanks" I mumbled and yawned, I sat back and Jai wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gently pulled me back so that my head was resting on his lap and I could lie down.

I woke up some time later and saw Jai sleeping above me his fingers resting in my blonde hair. A peaceful smile was on his face, he looked so angelic so I chose to let him sleep. It gave me time to answer the question that's been prodding at my brain since I overheard Jai and Aria break up.

Did Jai like me?

Or maybe even worse than that, did I like him? Sure, he was so sweet and adorable and when he laughs he squints his eyes and look so cute and I get all these little butterflies in my stomach when I'm around him and also he's seriously fucking hot. Shit that means I like him doesn't it?

"Mmmh?" I heard Jai moan and there goes the butterflies again. "Maels?"

"Y-yeah" I stuttered and sat up. I looked at him and he was rubbing his eyes and scrunching his nose.

He looked so cute when he's sleepy. A lazy smile spread across my face and I leaned over and lightly kissed his lips, when I pulled away he squinted.

"Why did you kiss me?" He frowned.

"Felt like it" I shrugged casually and realised that I didn't hear screaming, laughing or shouting. Everyone must've gone out or something.

"Where is everyone?" I looked around.

"I told them to leave" he stood up and walked into the kitchen and took a huge bite of an apple.


"Because I need to talk to you" he said staring into my eyes from all the way over there.

"About what? Are you pregnant?" I joked and walked over to him.

"No I think you know what it's about" he whispered and grabbed my hips, pressing me against the cabinets.

"Do I?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes you do Maels don't act dumb" he smiled and leaned in to me.

"I am dumb" I shrugged and wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tip toes. I expected him to kiss me but instead he released me and spun around opening and cupboard leaving me dazed and confused. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to the couch, when I looked up I saw Jai pulling out a guitar and walking back over to me. I frowned as he sat next to me and plucked a string.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now