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"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Jai's eyes were like saucepans.

"Nothing" Leigh rushed blushing and avoiding eye contact.

"Leigh don't lie to him" I mumbled shaking my head. "You heard her right"

"You're pregnant?" he spluttered a look of terror on his face.

"Yes" she breathed.

"Like with a baby? How-? How did that happen?"

"Pretty sure the way anyone else gets pregnant you put the p-" I said sarcastically but soon shut my mouth when they both shot me a look.

"Not the time Maels" Jai shook me off.

"So-rry" I held my hands up.

"You need to tell Beau right now come on we're going to tell him" Jai announced stepping over to us and pushing Leigh forward through the water.

"No!" She protested and tried to stand still.

"Why not?" I asked getting annoyed. Jai was right she needs to tell him it's his kid inside her. "Wait he is the father right?"

"Right?" Jai pushed frowning angrily.

"Yes of course he is!" She snapped crossing her arms over her flat chest.

"Then why won't you tell him?" We asked.

"I'm just scared" she mumbled meekly.

"You don't need to be" I sympathised "It's not your fault"

"Yeah he'll understand"

"Fine" she finally agreed and we all slowly swam to the stairs and out of the water.

"Do you know what you're gonna say?" I asked her.

"I think I'm going to wait until we go home" she coughed awkwardly.

"No you-" Jai began to argue.

"Yeah that's probably best" I interrupted him and slipped my arm around his bare waist.

"Yeah" She said awkwardly as we rejoined the others who were lying down 'tanning'.

"Boo!" I stood above Lesley.

"Go away you're dripping on me" She moaned and pushed me away.

"Sorry" I apologised and sat down on Luke's stomach who was lying on the other bed next to her.

"Well hello there" he sat up and took his headphones out.

"Hi" I responded and slid off so I was sitting on the chair instead of him.

"Maels come on the big one with me" Jai walked over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me up forcefully.

"Erm okay" I shrugged and we began walking away.

"Why is there so much fucking drama lately?" he groaned as soon as we were out of earshot.

"It's not that bad" I defended.

"Really, it's not that bad? Pregnancies, diamond rings? Our lives are like a soap opera" he laughed.

"They actually are" I giggled.

"The giggle!" he laughed as I blushed and giggled more.

"What is your obsession with my laugh?" I frowned jokingly.

"Not laugh, giggle" he pointed out as we walked further. "There's a difference"

"Is there?"

"Yes, when you laugh it's loud and snorty" I narrowed my eyes.

"Rude much?"

"But when you giggle, it's somehow adorable and hot at the same time" he continued, before leading me behind an abandoned cabana pressing me against the hot wood.

"Nice save" I shook my head laughing as he traced shapes around my hips.

"I'm nothing if not smooth babe" he whispered as my nose knocked against his as we stared into each others eyes for the millionth time.

"Yeah you wish babe" I rolled my eyes playfully before leaning slightly forward and kissing him briefly then pulling away. He pouted and went to reattach our lips but I turned my head so his lips came in contact with my jaw, he just went with it and began kissing down my neck. I groaned and laughed at him.

"Get off!" I moaned and attempted to push him away but his soft lips stayed where they were. "Jai there's little kids here"

"Oops" he finally pulled away from my collarbone and laughed when he saw a woman covering her 7 year old sons eyes and giving us dirty looks. "Couldn't help it"

I laughed at him and ducked under his tattoed arms that had been trapping me.

"So shall we go on that slide now or what?" I called out and skipped away from him.

"Yeah buddy" he laughed and we ran over to the corner of the park where the colourful twisting slides stood.

"Wait you want me to go on that?" I stopped and gaped.

"Yes why?" he frowned then smirked "I thought you were fearless on rides?"

"Yeah okay yeah" I lied and flipped one of my braids over my shoulder before sprinting over to the stairs.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now