victoria's secret

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"Why did I say I'd come shopping with you?" Jai complained.

"Because you love me" I grinned and pulled him into urban outfitters.

"If only you knew" I heard him mumble but shook it off knowing he probably didn't mean it how I think he did.

"But really it was because I promised to buy you Maccies" I rolled my eyes and laughed at him trying to figure out a backless dress.

"When is that actually gonna happen anyway?" He called across the shop.

"Now" I answered walking out and over to the McDonalds over the road.

"You don't really have to pay for me" he said after I had ordered, chicken nugget sharebox obviously.

"I pinky promised! It's basically illegal to break a pinky promise"

"Guess you have to break the law then he shrugged and hastily shoved money towards the cashier.

"You paid for me too!" I moaned while he grinned and took our tray "fudge you so hard!"

"Yeah in your dreams" he chuckled and gave me my food.

"More like in yours" I snorted.

"Nuh-uh" he shook his head.

"Yuh huh" I said back childishly. "Immaturity levels unreal right now"

"You're the immature one"


"Maels" he mimicked.

"We're gonna have to talk about the kiss at some point y'know?"

"What kiss?"

"Don't play dumb" I warned him.

"Okay I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you" he admitted sheepishly and looked down to his burger. "Unless you liked it then you're welcome"

"No the I'm sorry was right" I laughed.

"You kissed back though!" He pointed out.

"It was a reflex"

"Yeah okay" he said sarcastically.

"Can we go to Victoria's Secret now?" I asked him after we had eaten.

"Urghhhh I thought we were done" he whined.

"One more shop please" I begged.

"One more! I'm only agreeing to this because it's Victoria's Secret" he grinned pervishley.

As we walked in I saw him blush and laughed at him whilst walking away and picking up stuff I liked.

"Maels" he shouted. "You should get this" he raised an eyebrow and smirked as he held up a huge see-through lace bra.

"That's way too big" I laughed at him.

"Not the only thing" he winked as I walked over to him.

"Yes nice heavily implied penis joke" I giggled and looked around, as I looked into the sale corner I saw two people making out fiercely against a wall. Jesus get a room, I thought scoffing. But then I realised that I knew the girl. It was Aria. "Jai let's go now there's nothing here" I rushed and tried to get him to walk away.

"No come on let's stay in he-" he stopped and I saw he was looking at them too. A look of pain flashed across his face before being replaced with anger. "You're right let's go"


"What?" He said blankly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes why wouldn't I be okay y'know I just saw my girlfriend practically fucking someone else but yeah obviously I'm fine" he scoffed.

"Seriously Jai what can I do to make you feel better?" I asked him as he leant against a wall of bras.

"You could try them on for me" he Said meekly. Still I perv I see.

"I don't feel that bad for you" I giggled and paid for them.


"Fuck is he okay?" Luke asked as I explained what happened. When we got back to the hotel he had gone straight to his room leaving me to tell them why he was so upset. "By the way can't believe you took him to Victoria's Secret"

"What a bitch!" Lesley said.

"Yes I know but you still have to do your show tonight" I pointed out gesturing to the boys.

"Yeah we need to leave for that like now" Beau said looking at his phone.

"I'll go and tell Jai" I said timidly standing and knocking on his door. I heard a son muffled though the door and my heart cracked. I opened it without permission and saw him curled in a ball on his bed sniffing every few seconds.

"Jai?" I whispered.

"Go away Luke!" He shouted.

"Not Luke" I said and walked over to him sitting on the bed next to him "it's Maels?" I used his name for me.

"Maely?" He asked sitting up.


"Could you lie here with me for a bit?" He asked me his tear stained face looking broken.

"I wish I could but you have a show" I said regretfully.

"Urgh I forgot about that" he whimpered. "Come on let's go then"

As we stood up I wrapped my arms around him tightly instantly he hugged back even tighter.

"Thank you" he whispered as I let go and shuffled over to the door. When I opened it Luke and Leigh almost fell over.

"We were just y'kn-"

"Spying on you" Leigh finished for him causing Luke to shoot her evils.

"Nice thanks for the support guys really feeling the love" Jai chuckled lightly and followed us into the lift.

4 hours later:

"So what are we doing later?" James asked us, we were sitting in the car being drove back to the hotel.

"I need a drink" Jai announced. It was the first time he'd spoke since we got in the car, he'd just sat and stared out of the window. "Can we go out?"

"Yeah of course" I answered for everyone as they nodded.

Skinny Love (Jai Brooks)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن