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We had just arrived in a random club in Atlanta with Ronnie here to make sure nothing happens.

"What do you want?" I asked Jai as the bartender walked over to us.

"Two Long Island ice teas" he grunted to him.

"You sure about that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes are you not?" He snapped.

"Ha hilarious" I blanked and and passed him a drink. He gulped it down within seconds, I copied him making him smirk suggestively at me.

"That felt like a challenge" he gestured to the empty glasses in front of us.

"Oh did it?" I smirked back at him.

"2 more" he shouted to the bartender.

"You're on" I narrowed my eyes.


"Maely!!" Lesley drunkenly slurred to me. "Come the toilets with me"

I wormed my way out of the dancing crowd and followed her to the toilets behind a wall. I saw Jai on the phone on the other side of the wall and could hear him talking angrily to someone.

I tried not to listen but it was impossible with how loud he was drunkenly shouting and how boring it was waiting for a massively drunk lesley to pee and and a slightly less drunk me staring at a graffitied wall.

"Amy you fucking cheated on me why are you even fucking asking for me to stay with you!"

Then she must have said something back because I heard him say "I saw you in Victoria's Secret!" Seconds later she screamed something so loud I could hear even over the sound of the banging club.

"Don't even try to pretend you didn't make out with that fucking slut at the fucking aquarium!"

I froze. She saw us.


Then I ran away. Straight into Luke.

"Woah Maels where're you going?" He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"I was f-finding you" I hiccuped and followed him over to the booth. Jai and Lesley soon walked over afterwards.

"You left me" Lesley pouted and jumped onto the seat.

"Sorry I got bored" I shrugged and leaned on Luke. Jai looked at me and frowned jokingly then sat on my other side.

"Can we play truth or dare?" James asked.

"Daniel I dare you to go and kiss that girl over there"

"Easy she's hot"

After a few more dares, leading to Beau licking the seat, Leigh dancing on the bar and Luke pulling his shirt off in the crowd, my name was said.

"Maely!" Lesley slurred. "I dare you too... make out with Jai"

"Simple no problem" I leaned over and pressed my lips against his, seconds later I was pulled away from him. "What?"

"That wasn't Jai" they all laughed.

"Hi" Luke waved my lipstick still on his lips.

"Fudge" I giggled.

"You can carry on if you want?" He offered.

"No the dare was for me" Jai argued and spun me by my chin making my face be in his.

"You still have to do the dare Mael" Leigh pointed out grinning before pouring a glass of god knows what down her throat. I shrugged and went to kiss him but then Jai lifted me so I was straddling him and kissed me passionately. Instantly I felt sparks and kissed back, he swiped his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I obviously gave. But then someone clapped forcing us to pull away.

"Okay you can stop now it got gross" Emily laughed with everyone. I went to sit back in my seat but Jai grasped my hips stopping me from moving.

"Jai get off" I giggled and swatted at his hands. He pouted and let go, letting me roll back into my seat next to him. "Want another drink?"

"Yeah I'll come with you" he said and we strolled over to the bar. "So that kiss?" He grinned.

"Was a dare" I finished for him and got him a beer.

"It didn't feel like a dare to me" he smirked and put his hand on my exposed ribs.

"Well it was were just friends Jai" I snapped, a look of hurt flashed across his face for less than a second before he's restored his smirk.

"Damn Friendzoned" the man next to us sniggered and walked away, making us laugh loudly.

"Whatever you say, Maels" he smiled faking innocence and handing me another shot.

"Thanks" I laughed and gulped it down in sync with him, I felt its affect instantly.

"Jai!" I slurred and held his arm.


"Stinks" I had a giggle fit. "Dance with me!" 

"Happily" he pulled me over to the dance floor.

For about 4 songs we danced awfully making each other laugh harder each time until Beau came over to us.

"Come on were gonna go" he shouted above the music.

"Noooo! Please can we stay?" I begged and pulled on his sleeve causing him to chuckle.

"No Mael come on we need to go" Beau pulled me and Jai over to the door by our arms.

"Could I consider this bullying?" I asked them my eyes wide while Beau's hand was still tightly wrapped around my upper arm.

"No you cannot" Jai laughed as we climbed into the car. After we got to the hotel I saw there was a sign for a pool.

"Jai there's a pool! Can we go in the pool? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeee?"

"Yeah can we?" Lesley screamed bouncing up and down.

"Y-yes" Jai hiccuped.

"YAY" I squealed and ran to our room to get changed.


Legit this was irritating to write so I'm sorry it's shit. But yeah vote and comment and all that crud.


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