"I feel high." I stated after a head-rush and a wave of dizziness. Now that I think about it, it's kind of hot in here. Mm, let's take off all our clothes. My mom and dad need to leave and send in a hot doctor. Maybe he's a stripper by night, under the name of "The Love Doctor". That'd be so clever and hot. Except stripping is kind of gross if it's done slow. I like it fast. Oh yeah.

"Ava are you okay?" Evan leaned over me.
"Um.." which one of him should I talk to? All three of them are moving, oddly doing the exact same thing. My stomach lurched and it sent a wave of pain through my abdomen. Fuck being stabbed, this hurts! "..Yeah."

The nurse came back in, about fifty security guards behind her looking tough. They took Emilia away, once my mother had explained what happened. All the while she screamed at me and I kind of ignored it as I looked up at Evan with a huge, totally goofy grin on my face. It's go time babe. "You don't look so-"

"She's dizzy, hot, and her stomach hurts." Aiden clarified for them. They didn't question it, for our special twinny powers were already revealed. The Double A's. Aiden & Ava, out to save the day! I mean Ava & Aiden. Since I'm cooler, I'm listed first. And I'm hotter.

"..Nurse!" My mother called.

I licked my lips and grabbed Evan's collar, pulling him closer to me. "Well don't you look yummy today." I complimented him. It's true, grey fitted polo's don't look good on everyone, but of course Evan works it. If there's one thing I learned about him during the year, it's that he's definite model material. No questions asked.

"Um.. Ava.. I don't think you should-"

"So is that a yes or a yes?"

"Um..." Why was he hesitating?

"You're my sister, quit being gross." Alex commanded, his voice coming out with that big brother tone that was the very bane of my existence.
"You're my brother, quit being annoying."
"I'm not annoying."
"My bad.. Bothersome."

"That's why you're a slut."
"Your music sucks."
"We've been number one for eight weeks!"
"People think that if they buy your songs you'll get so rich you'll quit ruining music for them."
Aiden made a sizzling noise and high fived me. "I've taught you well." I smirked at Alex, who's eyes were narrowed threateningly in my direction.

"I'm going to stab you." He laughed. "Oh wait. Someone already did."
"Alex!" My mom hissed. What's with this woman and hissing today? "Stop being inconsiderate!"
Oh so she's going to pretend to be the good mom while dad is around? Hm, why haven't I seen much of her lately? Why haven't we had a family dinner in like two million years? Where's my boy talk? Who hasn't told me to stay away from boys and their extreme hormones?

"HA." I stuck my tongue out at him. Is it hot in here or is that just the excess from the grilling Alex's getting?

"You!" My mother snapped, turning towards me. Uh oh. "You are supposed to be on bed rest, not cuddling with Mr. Rockstar over there."
Oh come on, Collin's normal. And she loves him. She's been trying to get me to get with him for a really long time. "I am resting." I closed my eyes. "See?"
"You know what Ava?" She sounded kind of mad so I dropped the sarcasm act and opened my eyes. "You are being beyond selfish here."
"Definitely." Why argue?

My agreement through her off track. I could tell because she lost the angry look. Soon Emily whisked her off to meet with my lawyer. Apparently there's going to be a trial.

I wonder if it's going to be like off of Law And Order. Or Judge Judy.

Then my dad began his awkward goodbye. He tried to hug me but I kind of just brushed it off casually and examined my nails. I need a manicure, ASAP. When it came time to hug Alex and Aiden it was really awkward as they patted each other on the back.
Meanwhile my friends just kind of chatted quietly so as not to bask in the embarrassing moments of my family. If we could even be called a family. We're just so.. screwed. I can't remember the last time we were actually perfect and whole. But then again, I can't say I miss it.

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