Toni nodded. It made sense- as strange as it sounded.

“I’ve got to get to work. Gotta foal to wean and a horse to train. Poor Prince doesn’t know what to do without you pestering him” Toni stood and headed for the door, turning around before opening it.

Erik smiled. “I’ll have to start over with him when I get back on my feet,” he said.

“Just as long as you’re around to take forever on him. I could have killed you, ya know” Toni said, feeling the familiar pang of guilt again.

Erik smiled at her, his eyes twinkling. He was obviously bracing himself for another apologizing fit. Toni didn’t force him through that, but instead turned to open the door.

“Thanks, Boss” Erik said. Toni spun around at the sound of… was that gratitude?

Erik held up the crutches. “For these and… well, everything else.”

Toni simply smiled and exited the room.

No one had genuinely thanked her in a long time.


Erik had been walking on his crutches for most of the day the next day. He was thoroughly enjoying being able to move again. Being stuffed up in the bunkhouse when the days seemed to stretch on like years was less than tolerable. He’d tried his best not to complain, even to himself, but sometimes he felt like screaming in the solitary quiet that was life as an invalid.

Now he and Toni stood before the ranch hands and Katie as they were all seated around the kitchen table after breakfast, leisurely enjoying the Sunday morning. Normally Erik would be reading the scriptures to them right about now, but there was a pressing matter to get over with, so he had decided to postpone.

“Boys, Katie, we have something to tell you” Toni spoke up, and everyone turned to face her.

Erik’s stomach clenched. Why was he so nervous? It was just the guys and Katie.

“Mc-…Erik and I have some news” Toni said, her voice wavering.

“We’re getting hitched” Erik blurted to spare Toni of saying the words, leaning on his crutches, his hands free.

Every eye darted between the two of them, some choking on half-swallowed drinks of coffee, others staring at them, their mouths gaping. Katie paused, her fingers in the middle of finger combing her blonde curls, and her eyes widened in shock.

Beside him, he saw Toni’s chest rise and fall with shallow breathing while a deathly silence filled the air. Unconsciously, Erik gripped her hand with his and surprisingly, she squeezed right back.

“A-Are you two serious?” Katie asked.

Toni nodded and Erik offered a smile.

“W-When did this happen?” Tiny asked

“Yesterday” Erik answered.

Wade was the only one smiling and still drinking his coffee as the others were clearly in a state of shock.

“Congratulations” Wade said.

This brought everyone else mostly out of their shocked expressions, mostly Katie.

“Oh, this is wonderful! I had always hoped, but I never…never really thought” She stood and hugged Toni so tight that she squeezed Erik’s hand harder.

“This is a blessed day! Oh, I have to find you a dress, Erik needs a suit, and we all have to spiffy up. I’ll need to book the church and send out invitations. We’ll have the biggest, most beautiful wedding this town has ever seen!” Katie clapped her hands and Erik sensed the coming day of flusteration.

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