Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 32

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"I will be happy to breathe the air and feel the planet beneath my feet," she replied. "I want to discover if my abilities, as you and Doctor Rosenthal call them, are enhanced when I'm not locked in a concrete box."

"And we can be together without anyone finding us or listening. You will be free to unleash your multiple talents. What do you want to do tomorrow? It should be a fairly nice day."

"I was thinking of bringing this magic wand I made last night, where I can change the color of individual trees to anything I wish," and Maggie sat back to watch the expression on Anna's face, who already was wondering if the child was serious.

They both burst into laughter. "You had me going," said Anna. "Your newly acquired sense of humor will likely kill me before your abilities do."

"There's an open triangular section up the mountain around the backside of the lab that I want to hike to," Maggie explained. "It has great views and it's a good place to speak with the animals."

"I would like that," said Anna. "How did you know....oh, never mind."

They continued to add to Maggie's personal art collection until it was past bedtime. Anna asked if she was still going to get a dog for her birthday and she said yes. Anna laughed, but Maggie was use to it. With all the understanding they had gone through, Anna still held onto a shred of doubt each time something new came up. Maggie's real birthday wish was that Anna would one day realize that everything Maggie was 'gifted with' was available to everyone.

7am came early. The lights went on in the white room and Anna, Edith, Dr. Rosenthal, Janet, Amarr and two other lab technicians entered, with a big colorful cake and six candles. Maggie was sitting up in her bed, her legs bent to where they could just see her face hiding behind them. Edith put the cake down, and before anyone noticed, Maggie threw back the blankets and a young wolf pup jumped off and raced around the room.

Anna looked at Janet. Dr. Rosenthal looked at Edith. Everyone looked at each other, wondering who snuck the dog into the lab.

"Can I keep him please," Maggie pleaded. "Even if it's just until Mr. Meyer gets back next week. We can set him free then. He'll find a home."

Amarr was visibly upset, as the dog was a security threat. No one owned up to the dog's presence, and he realized someone in the lab violated a strict conduct code everyone signed upon employment. He wondered what else could have happened. He would have some explaining to do to Meyer if this dog was discovered.

"Okay everyone, this is just a small mistake someone has made," and he tried to take the anxiety out of the room, hoping one of them came forward with their guilt, but it didn't happen.

"Amarr, I don't think anyone here brought the dog in," said the doctor. "Everyone in this room is trustworthy. We've been here for six years now, some longer, and this is the first incident. Let's just have a nice day and we'll discuss it later."

Amarr drew a deep breath, and the small group cut the cake and opened presents with Maggie and the leggy pup she had named Annok. He told her she may not be able to keep the dog, and she made him a promise Annok would be set free in the next few days. Anna suggested the idea was actually smart since there was a campsite just up the mountain where it would probably run to and someone there could help it find a home. Besides, it was an exceptional looking pup. He had the deepest yellow eyes and rich dark brown fur that ended in black tips and two white paws on the front feet. Maggie picked up Annok's front paw, telling Amarr of how white paws were a sign that the dog was a remarkable digger. Anna was the only one that paid attention to the statement.

Edith came over and sat with Maggie and Annok. The pup was attached to the child already. Edith remarked how similar they looked: both had intense eyes and dark soft hair.

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