Start from the beginning

'You looked beautiful tonight, I couldn't take my eyes of you' vyan says and I laugh a quiet laugh but I know he can hear me all too well. In between laugh I say 'That's why you were checking out every girl that came into your vision'. I laugh a hearty laugh it was a bitter and sweet scenario for me I knew he was checking out every girl but I knew he still had eyes on me. I am mad at myself to even think of it as a sweet scenario because ninety nine percent chances is that he is just flirting with me but a silly girl in me is batting on the one percent chance that it might me something real.

'Trust me you have no idea 'vyan say and let go of my forearm. Tension is what prevails in the air and I hate the tension because it gets too me so bad. I opened my eyes while my forehead was still against the door frame.' I Got this' I murmured under my breath twice before lifting my head off this door frame.

'Believe me I wanted to say this from the moment I saw you in the hallway. 'For the first the time the cocky and so called confident man I saw in him was nowhere to found. He looked nervous and like everything else I don't why?

I took a deep breath and smile my best smile and say 'whatever your plan is if it works I will believe you and if it doesn't I won't.'

'Okay, deal '

'I must say you can step back now and we can take over my plan' I say.

'And be waiters 'vyan says mockingly.

'Your call take it or leave it '

'You are so going to regret it.' Vyan says raising his left eyebrow know I have nothing to lose it's a win, win situation for me and trust me I would love to lose.

'We will see'

'You Will see' Vyan says. So the silly girl in me wants this so called unknown plan to work because she wants to believe him and another part of me already had that covered.

'So what's your plan?'I ask

'We are going to gatecrash this club with our Ghost entry and I will ring the fire alarm as soon as I could and we will be out within seconds' I don't why but I feeling that this plan is going to end in a very bad way.

'And what makes you think Nobody will notice us in real because how sad it may be but we are not real ghosts'

'You can solve that problem ''

'How's that?'I questioned immediately

'By playing the distraction 'Vyan says all calm and confident.

'Are you kidding me, there are Hundreds of people in this club how can I distract everybody at the same time. 'I question astonished

'Believe me we can do this ' Vyan says with full confidence's as if he do it all the time .I don't think either of have even never gatecrash any party.

'I don't know about you but I can't play the distraction role because I had to strip my clothes off for these people across the wall to notice me' I say convinced that I am not the person

'At least now you have a plan' Vyan says giving me wicked smile. Its official Vyan Oberoi is The jerk of century.

'Why don't you do it, you must be experienced by now ' I says passing him the a wicked smile.

'Well, what's that supposed to mean?' Vyan saying running his hand through his already messy hair.

'You know, By visiting strip clubs so often you learn a lot ' I say it's official I am the bitch of  millennium

'You need to know two things' Vyan says lines on his forehead deepen.

'Really, what are they?' I say faking a shock expression.

'First, Even though it was my third time in the club I never have and I never will hook up with a stripper'

'You know what I don't shit about what you think so ignore my first comment' Vyan says in a calm voice but he looked mad.

'What if we pretend we never talked about stripping and strippers ' I say looking at vyan .I don't know why but it bothers me what he thinks about me. If it was anyone else I would have just let it go , but when it comes to vyan, I just can't keep up with I don't give a shit about what you think.In all honesty, I care, what he thinks; I care what he feels about me. The narrow line is I care because this man has drugged me.

Vyan kept quite he doesn't move a muscle I know I won't give up  that easily and say 'Okay, I will tell you one weird habit of mine that nobody knows about and we be fine?'

Vyan looked and a half smiled and nods his head. He is acting like a kid and undoubtedly looking so dam cute.Trust me I am drugged because only alcohol can explain my idiocy. This is unfair how he can get the best of both worlds.

'I have a very bad habit of saving people cell phones number with funny names or I can say they are only funny to me, for example, I have saved my best friend cell phone number with name Toots, My mother is Ms.sweet pea, My science project partner Donald duck, he kiss like one.Pizza delivery boy Tarzan and last not the least my dad number by 'Jumbo'


'Jumbo...hahaha.....Donald duck ..seriously ?. ' Vyan saying in between his hysterical laughter.

There you go , I know I have very peculiar type of sense of humour. ' I say with very little shame.I was slightly embarrassed but I end up joining Vyan. Laughing at my own self-was never this good.

Just with that, I turned the knob of the door.

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