"Why are you tearing up? Is it the eyeliner?" He spoke, and I quickly nodded, after he had moved his hand away.

"It's fine," I shrugged, knowing the tears weren't caused by the eyeliner.

I had my hair straightened a little, then I was led to the actual set where the skit would be shot.

"Basically, you're going to write a burn book about yourself," the director explained, and I nodded, a few ideas coming to my head.

I was handed a book with a few of my pictures in it. I took a deep breath, positioning myself on the bed, before the director counted down.

I began writing all the negative comments I hear about myself. I write nasty comments on my own pictures and smile playfully when I recall certain ones. I flip quickly through the pages, filling them with curses at myself.

My hand froze when I flipped the page, which contained a picture of Harry. I blinked at it, feeling small tears form in my eyes.

I blinked away the tears, as I began to write down. I inhaled a sharp breath, once I felt a tear slip down my cheeks.

I furiously wipe away my tears, insisting on acting professional. I continued writing profanities on my pictures in bold, before the last page was flipped over and the director clapped his hands.

I smiled polity at the polite applause I received, but it didn't make me feel better at all.

"Now, you'll record the voice over," the director spoke and I nodded, quickly wiping my tear-stained cheeks.

I had my makeup retouched a little, before heading to the set, a large microphone standing, to record what I had written. I held up the book and the room quieted down, before the direction nodded at me to start.

I read out what I had written, with a sassy tone. I added a teasing chuckle, as I flipped over the page, meeting Harry's picture.

I smiled at my large words, biting my lip from crying again.

"He's everything I've ever wanted. Don't you dare hurt him,"

+ +

I crossed my legs, making myself comfortable. I released a shaky breath, as I observed the large Hollywood sign. I had chosen a private hiking place to mediate in, away from the noise and paparazzi.
I traced the pattern on the large picnic blanket I was sitting on, before hearing the crunch of pebbles underneath someone's feet.

"Harry," I spoke, surprised, as I stood up to acknowledge his presence.

"Your sister told me you'd be here," He spoke, and I kept my gaze away from him.

"You look different," he said and I looked up at him.

It took a lot of will power not to throw myself in his arms and hug him tightly, telling him how much he meant to me, telling him I changed because I was loosing him. I glanced back at the ground, uncomfortable at his gaze, unable to meet his eyes.

"Thought we could have a little picnic," Harry spoke, holding up a basket I hadn't noticed he was holding.

"What else did Kylie tell you?" I asked curiously, looking at him.

"She told me you went to Justin Bieber's place after being completely hammered by alcohol," He added, his neutral expression catching me off-guard.

"Nothing happened in there, I passed out and he assured me we hadn't done anything," I defended myself, crossing my arms, and he looked down, knowing he was the last one to talk about cheating.

Our Moment - HendallWhere stories live. Discover now