I hid my self some where as i watch Naruto hit what was the blonde, yet a clay formed clone.

I looked around seeing if Kakashi was near. He wasn't. But I did see that familiar blonde peeking through a bush.

Quietly and stealthily I made my way over to him. He was sitting the opposite way with his back facing towards me.

I placed my hand onto his shoulder, turning him around. "Oi-" before I could Even finish, his body turned into clay.

'Another clone..?'

I felt a presence behind me. I swiftly took out a kunai, standing up, turning around with ease as I pressed the kunai at the blonde's neck.

Only to my surprise, his own kunai was at my neck. He smirked. "Not bad, un. Make a move and I'll blow you to pieces, hm" he threatened.

I cocked a eyebrow at him, chuckling. "I should say the same to you" I replied. I quickly look around, seeing if anyone was near.

After I did about a good check, I face the blonde who was eyeing me, curiously.

"Listen.. I'm not your enemy-" before I could finish he cut me off. "You're with Konoha nin. Explain how you are not?" He frowned deeply.

"If I was an enemy I would've attacked you by now. I'm also sure you get the hint that I'm not an enemy, considering you hesitated to kill me right then and there" I say.

He lowered his kunai, which I also lowered mine. I smile as I pulled out a scroll.

I hand him the scroll, which he had reach out to get. "My Nii San.. Hidan.. Please give it to him! I need to see him again.. I need to be with him again"
I said truthfully.

He looked down at the scroll before at me. "What's your name, un?" He asked.

"Misaki" I answered. He slipped the scroll into his pocket. "Alright. Ja ne un" was all he said before he ran off somewhere.

When I met up with Kakashi and Naruto, Neji and the others were there too.

Along with the blonde who I sadly did not get his name.. I thought he escaped?!

He doesn't stand a chance against all of us..

As Kakashi was approaching him, the blonde ate something. He expanded bigger and bigger..


Yet I gave off an amused look. How can a human explode exactly?

It was only till then when the blonde kept getting bigger and bigger until I actually realized he was going to actually explode.

"MISAKI GET OUT OF THERE!" I heard Neji yell. I tried to run for my life. Yet a few seconds after I started running he exploded.

The only thing I saw were my feet being lifted off the ground and my body into the air, before I was coming in contact with a tree.

Then everything went black.

~Neji's POV~

The explosion was huge. Even though we were a far distance, the after shockwave still reached us.

I got up helping Tenten up. "Where's Misaki?" Lee asked, bringing it up to everyone's attention.

I looked around, seeing that she wasn't around. 'Dont tell me she went off with the Akatsuki!?'

I hoped that, that wasn't the case. "Byakugan!" I shout activating my Kekkei Genkai. Not caring how much I was using it.

I searched the area trying to find her. "Can you see her, Neji?" Gai sensei asked.

Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's Lover [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now