Jimmy cleared his throat, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"You zone out a lot. Maybe you're not like your mother after all!" He said, laughing a little.

I smiled at his open arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. His hugs were ever so warm, like a father figure. My father was never so friendly and never accepted embraces. He never even knew the meaning of love and Jimmy? Jimmy was everything you would want as a father.

In-fact Jimmy is a father of a boy around my age called Jason.

"How's Jason?" I asked, pulling away. Jimmy smiled.

"Jason is absolutely fine. He's doing well in his studies. I see a bright future in him, ya know." He replied.

"Wow," I chuckled. "Who knew the boy who shut down the world would ever be so bright." I commented causing Jimmy to laugh.

"Oh yes. Those were the days."

Jason has always been that dumb, cute type of guy. You know, the ones who were quiet and every time they would speak, it would seem like they are from a different dimension. Yep, that's how dumb he was. No-one would ever expect him to be like this educational type of guy so Jimmy's words really did surprise me.

"I heard you are getting married, little one." Jimmy said.

I blushed.

"Y-yeah. I guess." I replied.

Suddenly I felt a rush of guiltiness. Chris said that he wanted our engagement party to be taken place in Australia and also the wedding. So it was highly impossible for Jimmy to go to Australia just to see me married.

Jimmy chuckled, ruffling my hair.

"I know you're getting married in Australia. Your mother is not very good at secrets." He said.

I sighed.

"I-I can always ask Chris to arrange the wedding here in London." I replied.

Jimmy shook his head.

"Oh Lucy. Do not fret, little one!" He said, laughing. "It's okay! As long as I get to see the photographs of the wedding, young lady!"

I smiled weakly at Jimmy, feeling my eyes build up with tears.

"You're not...judging me for getting married young?" I questioned. I didn't know why I asked that, but the looks I was receiving in school and public over-all had judgment in their faces.

"Of course not! You're in love, it happens plus you are like my daughter right? Why would a father judge his daughter?" He replied.

Now my eyes build up with tears and I couldn't control them so gave them permission to fall down my cheeks.

"Oh Lucy." He came out with, pulling me in for another hug.

I let my tears drop on his chest and mumbled, "I've missed you, Jimmy."

"You too, little one. You too." He whispered, patting my back.

Sniffing, I pulled away when I spotted a blond figure approaching us. My eyes widened at the figure.

"Tiffany!" I shouted, running up to her with open arms.

She did the same and we both collapsed on each other, hugging and laughing our asses off. Yeah, typical best friend scene.

"God, I'm so glad you planned this!" She chirped, flicking some of her loose blond hair behind her shoulder.

"Wow Tiffany, you look beautiful." I commented.

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