23. I Do - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

It's all white - white as just-fallen snow on a winter's day. It is strapless, and has a sweetheart neckline, which is lined with tiny clear crystals, that glitter when the light shines on it. It's also very tight around the waist, giving her an hour-glass figure that all lingerie models seem to have, the lucky bitches. The corset is laced with a silky white material, starting at the waist and ending at her chest.

The skirt starts just above her hips, and flares out all around her. There are ruffles an ruffles and guess what? Even more ruffles! We had enough trouble trying to get it all in the limo, and I'm guessing it's gonna be hell trying to get it out in a few minutes time!

On her size 5 feet, she's wearing a pair of 4inch creamy-white Christian Louboutin's. They are made of a really silky and soft material that you just can't help but want to smooth. On the inside of the heel, it's a crimson read, and on the outside it's just all sparkles. It's all sparkles on the platform, too.

I'm just glad she can actually walk in those without breaking her ankle!

Anyway, I'm feeling so emotional!

My big boy is getting married, and it feels like everything has gone by so fast! I can't believe everything that's happened, and I just wish that Lennie was here with me, sharing every moment.

Okay, we're outside the church, now.

Big breath, Cynthia, big breath. Calm, relax, your son is getting married.

Oh, my God. My son is getting married!

Kaila helped me get out of the limo. She was wearing the most beautiful bridesmaid dress! Silky lilac, one-shoulder, floor-length and slit up one side...

My babies have grown up so fast.

We walked up the steps of the church together, Cindy and her father waiting behind for their cue to go in. I congratulated her one more time, gave her a hug, took a deep breath, and grabbing Kaila's hand, proceeded to walk into the church that my son was getting married in, in just a few minutes time.

I just really wish that Lennie could be here right now. I guess he's up there, watching over us...

-Cindy's POV-

 Deep breaths. In...out...in...out.

I can't believe I'm getting married today to my one and only true love - Carl.

I want to cry and jump for joy, and kiss him, and jump into a pool of warm water...

I love Carl to bits. I really do. And today, I'm gonna be tied to him forever.

Since I was young, I had always dreamed of this day. Of meeting my true love and getting married in a big church, in a gorgeous white dress, just like a princess would.

And my dream has come true. And I am completely over the moon with joy!

I am so blessed to have met such a kind, caring and funny gentleman. The fact that he's a sexy, muscly rugby player (who's also great in bed *wink*) just makes it even better!

We were made to be together.

Bells started ringing from the church, sounding like angels singing. My dad turned to look at me and nodded, smiling and giving me a kiss on the cheek. He muttered something to me - he'd always found it hard to express his feelings - and then linked onto my arm.

That's my cue to go in.

Shit, I'm so nervous! I hardly ever swear, but I'm so nervous that I don't care at all! What if I trip over my skirt, and go head first down the aisle... oh, my God. That would be so embarrassing.

But I still wouldn't care, as long as I could still marry Carl and be with him for the rest of my life.

At least I can hold onto my dad's arm, and bring him down with me if I do trip. Then I could just blame it on him.

I took a deep breath, and thought of Carl waiting inside. That made me nearly sprint to him, but I knew I had to do it properly.

Then we slowly started to walk in.

-Carl's POV-

 I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, wishing that Cindy could hurry up and get in here so I could relax and see her beautiful, gorgeous face.

The wedding band we'd hired started playing that wedding song, making me tingle all over.

I'd been to many weddings in my life, and now this one was mine and Cindy's.

In the corner of my eye, Jake, my best man, turned and gasped. Then he smiled and turned back to me.

'There's your girl, Carl,' he murmured cheekily.

I slowly turned, and when my eyes caught hers, I felt like I was going to melt. Literally. She has that effect on me, and she's told me many times that I have that effect on her too - that just proves we were made for each other.

She was clinging onto her father's arm, probably trying not to trip, or something, and gradually proceeded down the aisle. Every step was caught by the eyes of every single person in the room - they were all staring at her, some with jealousy (teenage girls) , some with lust (teenage boys, bless 'em), and some with just absolute amazement. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she got to the end of the aisle. Her dad gave me a stern look and I heard him say, 'You take care of her, now, young man,' then he smiled and with a tear in his eye, he walked to his seat in the front row, next to his wife, who was crying helplessly with joy.

I nodded at him and whispered, 'I will,' then turned my attention back to my wife-to-be-in-a-few-minutes-time.

 One word came to me. Wow.

And then I thought, 'And she's mine forever.'

-Kaila's POV-

 And so they got married. They said their vows, they kissed while everyone whooped and cheered. Carl picked her up and held her in his arms as her took her out of the church and placed her in the carriage that he had organised to have, to which Cindy was totally gobsmacked and overcome with happiness.

We all waved and cheered as they were pulled by the white horses that matched the colour of Cindy's dress.

Everybody else got in their cars and we all went back home just for a few minutes as we all got changed into our party wear for Carl and Cindy's wedding reception.

Yes, Mitchell and Mollie are both with me. I couldn't come on my own with a bunch of adults and famous people I didn't know, could I?

So we all got changed.

I changed into a deep black, satin dress that was one-shouldered, tight at the waist and was straight and sleek all the way down my legs, and brushing the floor. I wore a pair of basic black heels with it.

Then when we were all ready, we all got back in our cars - everyone came in either limo's, or sports cars - and drove off to the party.

So now I'm sat in the back of a limousine that's lit up like a nightclub inside, and I can't wait to get to the party. Apparently, loads of hot rugby players, actors, footballers and singers are gonna be there! I actually cannot wait.

Everything has worked out so great, and I'm getting used to having Kyle around the house. He's amazing at cooking, I must say!

But I know that he'll never be the same as Dad was.

And I also know that Dad's watching us right now, smiling, glad we're all finally happy.

And guess what?

I actually am happy.

**Thankyou so much for reading this chapter! It's VERY important that you read the next little part! It's not a chapter, it's just a little note, but it's VERY important!!! So please read it, if you have the time!

Just want to say thankyou so much for reading so far, and I really hope that you've enjoyed my book! :D**

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