Chapter 18: Name it (Niall's POV)

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                “May?” I filled in, and he nodded, a tear slipping down his cheek. Vampires could cry, contrary to popular belief, but they didn’t do it often and it was tears of blood, not water.

                “I told her…” Zayn’s voice broke, as the two of us sat down on his bed. “I told her that last night wasn’t a mistake. She- She told me that it meant nothing to her, nothing but sex.”

                My heart broke for him. I couldn’t believe May had been so heartless to have said that! “Maybe she didn’t mean it?” I tried, half-heartedly.

                Zayn laughed bitterly, and wiped at another tear that fell. “Oh, yeah. That’s how to win a guy over. Break his heart and tell him it was all a mistake. He was a mistake.”

                I couldn’t control my gasp. “She didn’t!

                He nodded, looking up at me. “She did.”

                “Come ‘ere…” I said, opening up my arms to let him crawl into them. I was seriously going to have to talk to Liam about his friends. I didn’t understand how someone as sweet and innocent as Liam, could be friends with someone who did what May did to Zayn. It was heartless.


                We stayed in his bed, me just holding him as he occasionally shed a tear, for a little while. “Niall?” He asked.

                “Yeah Zayn?” I mumbled back.

                Zayn looked up at me, and smiled ever so slightly. “You’re a great friend. And you know what great friends do?”

                “Hold their friends as they cry blood and ruin their favourite shirt, but its ok?” I joked, and his smile grew a bit.

                “That, and gets their blood-crying friend blood.” I rolled my eyes slightly, and got up.

                “In here I take it?” I asked as I got closer to the big tank.

                “Yeah. There’s some cups on the table beside it.”

                I grabbed a cup (which was more like a mug, because of how big it was) and filled it up with the warm, red liquid and tried not to really think about it. I wasn’t squeamish when it came to blood, but I didn’t like it. Definitely not the way vampires did.

                I handed him the cup, and Zayn sat up, taking it into his hands. Underneath his eyes, the veins popped out slightly, and his fangs poked out onto his lips. Zayn took the mug (I’m refusing to call it a cup) to his mouth, and gulped down the blood. Someone was thirsty.

                He looked at me, slightly sheepish when he realised he just drowned it. “Crying uses up the blood I drink.” Zayn explained.

                I nodded, “Do you want me to get you another glass?”

                He smiled slightly, “Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.”

                “Of course not.” I said, taking the mug from his hands and filling it back up. “Uh, Zayn, what did happen with May, if you don’t mind me asking.”

                He sighed, and I could almost hear the tears coming back into Zayn’s eyes. “I-I…  Give me a minute…”

                I nodded, and went back over to him with the full glass, and handed it to him. He held onto it at first, calming himself as he breathed in the smell. “Last night,” Zayn started, a tear already slipping down his cheek, leaving a simple red trail.

                “It’s ok. You don’t have to do this.” I said, as Zayn shook his head.

                “No, I have to. You should know anyways. She’ll probably tell you.” He took a shakey breath in, and started. “Last night, a lot happened.

                “It started out like we usually act, flirting slightly, shy looks, that sort of thing. Then, things were getting more heated, we were both drunk, and then we kissed. H-Her lips… God, they were so soft, cherry tasting slightly- I’m pretty sure she had just finished a cherry flavoured drink- and they just fit so well together.

                “Things got heated pretty quickly, and, soon enough, we were in her room, taking off each other’s clothes as quickly as possible, desperate.” A small blush covered Zayn’s cheeks, probably remembering the night.

                “Then what?” I asked softly, not wanting to make him feel the pain of what happened this morning, but still wanting to know.

                “Then she woke me up the next morning. I tried to kiss her, but she turned her head. I asked her what was wrong, and she… She told me last night was a drunken mistake, that it never should have happened, and it never would again. That she has no feelings for me what so ever, and that nothing would ever happen between us.”

                I felt my heart break all over for the man. I-I honestly couldn’t believe May would’ve done something like that! Why? It seemed obvious that she liked him too, but why would she have broken his heart so roughly? “That’s… That’s…”

                “Life, Niall.” Zayn said eyes hardening. “She doesn’t like me, and she doesn’t deserve me if she’s going to treat me like that.”

                I looked at him for a few moments. I could still see the pain hidden in his eyes, but I smiled slightly. If Zayn was going to show May just who at a lose, I was definitely going to help her see that. “I’ll help you shove it in her face in any way I can.”

                Zayn grinned. “You’re amazing, and I have just the job for you.”

                “Name it.”


AN: Yeah, yeah. Short. Next chapter should be up soon. I cut it off here cuz I need to switch POVs. Now, wait. I shall post it either later tonight or tomorrow. 

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