"Whatever you say!" Eleanor smirked together with Danielle.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Before Eleanor could answer, the sound of the stadium was already flooded with Liam's angelic voice.

"Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya..." Oh, such heavenly voice! Danielle is one lucky girl.

He continued singing and singing while waving to us and to his fans.

"Yeah... we keep doing what we do..." Zayn started singing his part with his relaxing golden voice.

It is amazing how they all came from different places and how they were formed as one successful band. I mean, look at them now! Look what they have achieved. It's like they were all made for each other. Like....... fate!

After singing the chorus, all the lads came down from the stage to go nearer to their fans.

Except for dear Louis here. He came towards US!

He kissed his girl and it made the directioners go wild.

"You can sing, right?" He asked me, not using the microphone.

I didn't answer him. Instead, I gave him a confused look. I was shocked of what he did next. He pulled my hand, gave the mic to me, and urged me to sing the chorus part. I mouthed him "WHAT?" and he answered, "Sing!"

I was definitely puzzled. I was shaking like mad. I took a look at the rest, except for Hazza, and they were giving me the 'get ready and sing' look.

I don't have any choice now, don't I?

"Go, Ally!" Eleanor and Danielle both cheered. I gave them the 'help me out here' look and they just gave me the 'we got nothing' look. I mentally face palmed and took a deep breath...

"Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun. I know we only met but let's pretend it's love. And never ever ever stop for anyone. Tonight let's get some... And live while we're young..." I sang with all my might and I heard some of the directioners cheered and yelled my name. They all applaud and I saw Cher winking. I smiled back and she gave me two thumbs up.

"Ally Roberts, everyone!" Liam said throught tge microphone.

"Ally! Ally!" The Directioners cheered.


"Getting Back Together..." Taylor finished the song and received a round of applause. "Thank you!" She said and smiled then went back behind the stage.

I was still shaking from what happened lately.

"Ally, are you feeling alright?" Niall whispered and I nodded. "Well, you don't look alright. Was it the surprise singing that bothered you?" He asked sweetly. Um, wasn't it obvious? I haven't sang to a crowd before. "Well, do you expect me to act like nothing? I was shaking!" I exclaimed and he just burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I asked him. He just pinched my cheek saying "You're cuter when you're nervous."

"Ehem!" I heard Harry fake coughed so I turned to face him. We exchanged looks for a bit and I just tried to ignore him and faced the stage. Okay, he was totally kinda jealous, I think. Haha! Revenge is so sweet.

*Ting!* the light bulb on my head lit up from my head. Yeah, I got an idea!

"Niall, I have a plan and it consists of you, me, mr. Curly and Swift..." I whispered and he hesitantly nodded slowly.

"What is it then?" He asked.

"Er... Well, you know, it pains me to see these two love birds together and I sorta sensed Harry being jelly when you kinda like pinch my cheeks and stuff and I still kinda like him and I--"

"I get it..." He cuts me off "Yeah, you can use me to make Harry jealous"

"Yes! Thank you!" I said and hugged him. I felt a pair of eyes on us when I hugged the dear leprechaun. And it was totally Harry's.

"Okay, so here's the thing..." I started saying "We can do anything except for kissing on the lips, snogging, sexual intercourse and other kinds of sexual activities..." I whispered and he nodded saying, "Yeah, okay. So I guess we can hold hands, hug, embrace, and all those sweet stuff. Why not kiss?" he whispered back.

"We don't want the paparazzi to get all those stuff and spread the word to everyone, right?"

"Okay... Game on!" He extended his arms and crossed it over my neck, resting it on my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder and intertwined our hands together. Ha! I wonder what Harry is feeling...


I have nothing to say... just VOTE and COMMENT!!!!!!!! I love you all!

No, wait maybe I have something little to say...

Yeah, I'm about to give you my heart, but remember this one thing, I've never been inlove before so you gotta go easy on me.

HAA! That's a song incase you don't know and freaking stuck inside my head! I'm like, get outta there song but it won't budge Haha!

And my brother os going crazy! He suddely said that Katniss Everdeen was outside our house but when I took a look, it was just a freaking cat. Weird....

Hey!!! Follow ne on twittah? ;D

my acc is alisonjstyles1D

okay!? okay... I love you all!!!! That's it. Hahaha!!!

Love lots,


Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz