Luke blurb

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{Credit to Morepunkrockthanlukehemmings}

Oh my god Luke would be such a caring boyfriend though. Like he'd always be so concerned about you and he'd catch on to every little thing about you so if you even seemed slightly moody, he'd know almost immediately what was wrong and exactly how to solve it, even if it meant him stepping away and giving you space but he'd always ensure you knew he was around for you. And if he was on tour, he'd make sure he was always checking up on you and making sure you were okay and he'd keep sending you little surprises like flowers or chocolates or a teddy bear or leave little notes around the house before he left for you to find so you'd never feel lonely and he'd make sure he was there every night before you went to bed and called you every morning to wake you up so the first thing you'd wake up to was Luke sleepily saying "good morning, princess" because who knows what time it was for him and he'd giggle and sing you your favourite song bc he knew you hated early morning wow omg I'm dying.

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