Michael blurb

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{Credit to Daydreamichael}

Sink Michael would include;

-5 we all know you wouldn't have to force him to stay in bed

-constantly hearing "ughhhh FUCK" and "i feel like shit"

-(unwillingly) refusing to cuddle with him

-"c'mon just cuddle me for 5 minutes"

-"michael I don't wanna get sick too"

-"fine then I'll call calum"

-him trying to reassure you that he's okay and to not worry

-but also probably making a big deal and having you bring him all sorts of shit

-"babe bring me some blankets, food, some puppies and obama please"

-him taking ALL the vitamins

-he'd try to kiss you every time you'd come close to him

-endless hours of lying on the sofa/bed watching Netflix

-he'd stay up so late playing his games on the x-box that you'd unplug it

-"what the hell I way playing that!!?"

-"michael you're sick get the fuck to SLEEP"

-"okay but can you plug it back in in the morning at least??"

-he'd complain about being sick 24/7 tbh

-making him some hot soup and serving it to him on a little tray while he lays in bed

-hearing "SHIT OW FUCK ME" when he eventually spills hot soup on himself

-i bet that little shit will even pretend to be sick for a few extra days just to be coddled by you smh

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