Calum blurb

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{Credit to Hemmolameo}

imagine camping with the boys and having to end up sleeping in the same tent as Calum the boy you've been talking to for about 2 months or so. after a night of sitting around the fire drinking, talking, and just having a genuine good time everyone heads to their designated tents. As you and Calum get in you head towards your duffle bag pulling your pajamas out noticing Calum pulling down his jeans and putting on some sweats without caring whether you saw or not, shrugging you turn around pulling on a hoodie over your long sleeve. Taking a deep breath you pull your pants off and go for your sweats you hear Calum chuckle, turning around you notice him casually laying down on top of his sleeping bag, hands behind his head smirking"your underwear has donuts on them." He smirks before lifting himself to support his body on his elbow as his right hand pats down on the sleeping bag, "now get over here, it's cold and I want to cuddle"

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