Luke blurb

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{Credit to Peaceof5sos}

You ending up sitting next to luke on the plane, both complete stangers to each other and only briefly smiling at each other when he came to sit next to you. for the first thirty minutes of the flight you avoided looking at him too much, not wanting to embarass yourself in front of the cute guy sitting next to you. your first real interaction with him happened when he turned to ask you what was wrong when you had let out a loud groan and muttered a few curses upon realizing you had forgotten your earphones. after telling him why you were upset, the cute guy next to you reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of earphones, offering you one of the buds, not before introducing himself. he asked you what type of music you wanted to listen to, handing you his phone and leaving the choice up to you. the both of you ended bonding over your similar music tastes, not realizing how fast time was passing as you guys talked. at some point during the flight luke had asked you if you wanted to watch a movie on the small airplane screens, the both of you agreeing on watching the latest avengers movie. the arm rest between you guys went up as you each had one earbud, and he shuffled over closer to you so that the you guys were basically both on one seat. you brought you legs up, hugging your knees to your chest and at some point luke had moved his arm around your shoulders to allow more space, and in the process eliminating any space between you two. somewhere along the flight you fell asleep, resting your head on his shoulder as you dreamed of being able to see him again once the flight was over

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