Ashton blurb

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{Credit to Garageband5sos}

Going on a trip to the art museum with Ashton would include;

- leaving super early in the morning so you can get coffee before you go to the museum

- Ashton asking you a hundred times which hat he should wear

- Ashton refusing to go on the tour with the museum guide because he wants to show you around himself

- when you get to the Renaissance themed wing he makes you sit down on one of the chairs so he can read the story of one of the paintings to you

- re-enacting some of the paintings until one of the museum volunteers yells at you for getting to close to the art

- going to the gift shop and having to buy a coffee mug after Ashton drops it on the floor

-begging him to give you his jacket because it's cold inside the museum and you really want to see his biceps peaking out from his black t-shirt

- having one of the museum volunteers take your picture together and they tell you how cute you look together

- making him buy you a snack at the cafe because you didn't get to eat breakfast in the rush to the museum

- walking painfully slow through the contemporary art section and wondering what he sees in the abstract art

- looking at a Monet painting and marveling at all the colors while he uses the bathroom

- refusing to use a map because he wants each exhibit to be a surprise

- Ashton makes you take his picture in front of some weird sculpture and makes you retake the picture until you get the right angle

- looking at a photograph of a young couple and having Ashton put his arm around your waist as you admire it together

- holding his hand as you stroll through the different art wings together, having him occasionally squeeze your butt when no one is looking

- "you're such an art hoe" he teases you after you make him take your picture even though he's already taken a bunch of selfies

- stopping for ice cream before you go home and getting a notification that he posted a picture of you in front of the Monet painting and he captioned it "Art is when you are looking at something and all you can see in it is the person you love."

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