Calum blurb

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{Credit to Justalilbithot}

Being pregnant with Calum's baby would include;

•him running out of storage on his phone because he downloaded too many baby apps

-"look babe this app says little hood is the size of a guava!!!" "wait whats a guava again??"

-the boys asking him to do dumb things and him saying sorry boys i can't do those childish things anymore i am a dad now"

-him doing those dumb things anyway

-him offering to massage your boobs for you when they're sore as an excuse to touch them

-him taking weekly polaroids of your bump and doing weekly bump updates on his twitter

-him just sitting in your baby's nursery for hours imagining when the baby is finally here

-Calum being really cocky around all of your friends and families that hes going to be the best dad ever and hes not even worried at all

-you accidentally hearing him talking to Mali like a little boy and admitting he doesn't know how to be a dad and how he doesn't want to mess this up

-him getting really upset when he has to go on tour and making you promise to keep up the weekly bump shots and making your baby promise they won't come until he gets home

-"the little one kicked so i think we have a silent agreement, y/n"

-him calling yourdoctor to clear you for flying because he misses you too much

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