Ashton blurb

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{Credit to Wereighteeen}

Ashton would find out you were ticklish by teaching you songs on the drums like you'd be sat at his stool one day pretending to tap out a beat while he's off banding and when he comes back he'd wrap his strong arms around you and make you jump a little and he'd let out this giggle like "sorry baby didn't mean to scare you" and he'd make you sit on his lap on the drums and he'd take your hands but his long hair would tickle the back of your neck from where it falls over his eyes and you'd chuckle and he'd be all "what's so funny honey?" but he'd knOW and he'd like nuzzle the back of your neck with his nose and you'd laugh more and soon the beat would deteriorate because his hands would be too busy tickling you to hold the drumsticks

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