Luke blurb

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{Credit to Fuckingdrummers}

okay but i actually live for jealous luke like you two could be at a club and when he goes to get you two a drink, your best friend from high school would recognize you and you'd start talking. of course, you hadn't seen him in a few years, and you used to be so close, so you were enthusiastic to finally get to catch up with him. a few minutes later when luke returns, he puts the drinks down and grabs your waist, pressing his chest to your back. "who's this?" he'd ask with a smile, but you could feel his death grip on your waist tightening and you knew he was wicked jealous. after a few awkward and tense minutes of luke standing pressed against you and your old friend feeling intimidated, you decided to leave. in the cab on the way home, luke slid close to you, pressing a warm hand on your inner thigh, sending shivers down your spine. his lips press against your ear and his hot breath dances across your skin as he whispers about how he'll take any other guys off your mind with how good he'll make you feel hOLY

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