Michael blurb

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{Credit to 5sos-pref}

Moving with Michael;

-lot's of dancing to music when you should be packing

-Michael hoarding junk that you don't need

-'Michael we really don't need that mug, it has no handle.'

-'yes we do! it's the mug I drank out of when I got back from our first date.'

-you packing up clothes and then Michael unpacking them again bc theyre not folded right

-Michael calling the boys over for a house warming party in his new box fort.

-trying to tidy and unpack at the same time but michaels box fort keeps getting in the way

-'babe the box fort needs to go.'

-'no! please can we keep it for one more day? I told the boys we could have a gaming day in here.'

-cuddling together in the box fort

-'see I told you we should keep it here forever.'

-having to tear down the box fort while michaels out bc if you don't do it now it'll never be gone

-cuddling together in bed

-agreeing to let Michael decorate the spare room by himself and being surprised at how nice it is

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