Luke blurb

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{Credit to Dipitin5sauce}

Dad Luke would include;

-Your baby girl crying at 2 in the morning

-"No, babe, it's okay, I got it," he'd say half asleep already out of the bed, "Go back to sleep"

-Singing your baby girl to sleep

-toast for breakfast

-piggyback rides around the house

-slow, cautious driving with baby on board

-bed time

-asleep in the living room in his pelican boxers with baby hemmings on his chest

-"Dad can you help me with my homework?"

-Your son acing his class because he got his dad's genius genes

-"Shhh don't wake your mom"


-two dozen roses and your favorite chocolate on mother's day

-"babe you gave him chocolate?"

-"Sorry /: I couldn't resist"

-he's the nice parent

-"Mom said no"

-"Okay but don't tell her who gave you chocolate okay?"


-dad jokes

-dad jokes

-dad jokes

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