Ashton blurb

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{Credit to Scandeniall}

tattoo artist! Ashton didn't have very many tattoos but that doesn't mean he wasn't one of the best tattoo artist around and so you two weren't friends but weren't strangers either because you had met on numerous occasions and parties and even held a few conversations. You two were merely acquaintances but as you were ready for an intricate tattoo you were without a doubt ready to head to his shop. And once you showed him the design and the location /which happened to be your upper thigh/ he was excited. Excited that he was gonna be able to tattoo such a cool design but even more excited that now he had an excuse to talk to you because believe it or not he had a secret crush on the cute girl that only drank margaritas and always seemed to be smiling. And as he tattooed you he asked you to tell him about yourself and you assumed it was to help get your mind to focus on anything other than the pain burning through your thigh and about halfway through he asked did you want a break and you'd say yes and you two would just talk and by the end of the tattoo you'd had yourself a date for tomorrow night and the phone number for a cute boy.

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