Luke blurb

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{Credit to Moonluke}

Cuddling with Luke would include; pt.5??

-him wanting to cuddle literally every other second

-listening to his heartbeat when your heads on his chest

-falling asleep in his arms after a long day while he was telling you a story

-not even caring that he didn't get to finish his story because he's never seen anything more adorable

-missing your cuddles the most while he's on tour

-"I know, but it just isn't the same cuddling calum"

-always snuggling his head into your neck

-sleepy eyes and little yawns

-looking you in the eyes and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear

-booping his nose making him giggle

-him falling asleep on your boobs with his arms wrapped around your waist

-Disney movie marathons

-"babe, this is perfect you can be Mulan and I can be Shang and we can go save China!!!"

-him pouting when you say he reminds you of Mushu

-sleepy forehead kisses

-pulling you on top of him when you're laying on the couch

-"much better"

-him drawing smiley faces and hearts on your hip

-"your hair smells like flowers"

-blanket forts

-floppy haired lucas

-trying to take a picture of the two of you cuddled up in his bunk

-almost dropping the phone on your head

-quietly singing in your ear

-running your fingers through his hair while he falls asleep because you know he loves it

-tangling your legs in his

-always feeling safe in his arms

-carrying you to bed after you both fell asleep on the couch

-constant I love you's

-"I don't think I've ever been happier than I am right now"

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