Calum blurb

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{Credit to Wereighteeen}

So you'd be cooking with calum in your kitchen and he'd ask you for some ingredient he needs like "babe could you hand me the oregano??" and you'd be like "sure!!" but as you reach up to get it you'd be too small so he'd smirk and his warm hands would be on your waist as he lifts you up but you'd let out this shriEK because his fingers would brush against your sides and he'd furrow his eyebrows and be all "what was tHAT??" and you'd be like "???" and he'd let out this cute lil giggle like "that noise you just made??" and you'd blush and it'd HIT him and his eyes would just light up with mischief and before you knew it his fingers would be dancing along your waist and his arms would wrap around you and you'd both be laughing so hard and his eyes would crinkle and he'd do that thing where he laughs and it gets stuck in his throat.

5sos BlurbsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora