Ashton blurb

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{Credit to Ashtonsgiven}

I can clearly imagine Ashton as a waiter of one of those small cafè/bar dressed in a black tank top and black ripped jeans with a dark red overall on his hips and a bit wet bc he always clean his hands on it from water so he always uses his hands for everything and his hair would be in a messy bun but few curly hair would fall on his forehead bc they're too short to be in that cute little bun gOD HE WOULD BE SO CUte and i can literally see him on the table washing some glasses always smiling with another man who's helping him to clean and wash them but he would also look at the door and scream something like HELLOOOO to three of his friends like a red haired Michael, a dark haired Calum and a blue eyed Luke bc they always come to that cafè where Ashton is working every saturday night just enough to pay his college but he would also notice you and your best friend looking at him smiling bc you find him really hot and cute so he just smiles you but you guys got interrupted by an old man who calls him bc he's still waiting for his beer and he would say sorry so much but he would still look at you every time he can bc he finds you really cute af and i bet you are fjskakcisi so when he finished to service the man he would take a small block-notes from his pocket with a pen and he would come to you and your best friend's table all smiling like he always do and you would smile at him back because now he's so close to you and you can see how sweaty he is and his curly are a bit wet and on his forehead but you still find him hot as fuck and adorable so he would ask you if you want to order something with his adorable voice and you tell him you want two hot coffee and he just nods trying to stay concentrate and writing the order of you two but he can't do it because you are still admiring him and you would look at his hands and how the block-notes and the pen look so small bc his hands and fingers are so big and long and you automatically start to thing about what they can do if only you two were alone in this room.

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