Ashton blurb

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Spending Ashton's birthday with him would consist of;

-Waking him up early with birthday horns and lots of kisses on his face, spilling confetti into his tangled hair and sleepy eyes, telling him that his favorite breakfast is ready downstairs

-Jokingly calling him "Grandpa" due to his "old age" and when he rolls his eyes, he pulls you into a long kiss until you joke that you're "grandpa af" and he pushes you away and rolls out of bed

-His pajama pants hanging low on his hips and he pulls you into him as you place a party hat on top of his curls and proudly present the kitchen that you've decorated, complete with a "happy birthday" banner and a 21 candle stuck in his pancakes

-Teasing him endlessly and refusing a joint shower, insisting that you have more birthday preparations to make and he needs to hurry up anyway because you want to see the sea otter show at the zoo at noon

-Acting like complete children at the zoo and giggling like it was just the two of you there and taking pictures of Ashton making faces at the monkeys and feeding the animals, wondering how you got so lucky as to be in love with your best friend

-Driving home after a long day at the zoo and Ashton notices the cars lining the streets and he says, "I swear to God if there's a shit ton of people at the house..."

-The smile never leaving your face as Ashton flips on the light and the guests yell, "SURPRISE" making him jump slightly but when he laughs and heads for the crowd you know he's happy

-Ashton proving that he IS the party, making his rounds around the crowd, his happiness being heard above all the noise

-His eyes constantly meeting yours from across the room, especially when "Birthday Sex" comes on the playlist

-Ashton ushering the last guest out the door when the clock on the stove reads 3:27 am, realizing that he still hasn't gotten the one thing he wants, so he comes up behind you and softly slides his hands onto your hips, pulling you against him

-His lips ghosting over the skin of your neck and he takes the plates and cups from your hands and places them back on the table, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and pulling you up the stairs behind him

-He kisses you for what feels like the first time all day and there's nothing soft about it; he's biting your lip and pressing his lips to yours, hard, never breaking contact, grabbing at the skin of your hips and thighs

-He slips his fingers between your legs and when your head falls back due to complete bliss, he smirks at you and kisses you again and you whisper into his lips, "happy birthday baby"

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