Luke blurb

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{Credit to Peachylwei}

Luke becoming a dad like part 2? 3?

{Not sure if I have done this one already but oh wel!}

- "Babe look at my little mans cheeks!! They're so squishy he's so squishy :("

- giggling like a maniac when baby boy Hemmo won't let go of his finger

- pouting when he has to go to work and can't take his little man with him

- "Bye mini me, love you bug!!"

- Luke making sure him and little man Hemmo always having matching band shirts like the nerd he is

- giggling when you walk in on Luke asleep on the couch with teeny tiny mini Hemmo curled up on his chest sleeping happily :(

- Luke rolling his eyes when it's his turn for diaper duty

- "Little man, I'm just trying to change your diaper, can you please stop being a wiggle worm for me?"

- Luke always sprawled out on the floor as he plays with the little guy

- him drumming on baby boy Hemmo's tummy :((((

- him blowing raspberries on baby boy Hemmo's tummy :((((

- bath time when Luke folds his huge self in the tub and giggles when his baby boy starts splashing

- "Thats right champ, splash mommy!! Get her baby!!" *giggles endlessly*

- singing him to sleep wow bye

- him always being the first one up when he hears cries through the baby monitor

- him pretending a spoon full of cheerios is an airplane and giggling just as much as his little man when he eats them like a big boy :(

- his eyes popping out of his head when he says his first word

- "Oh my god he's talking, he's so old, god, soon enough he'll get a girlfriend, he'll be moving out, oh my god babe."

- his smile getting all wobbly when his baby boy says "Da-da I wuv oo!" for the first time

- "Babe when can we make another one??"

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