Luke blurb

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{Credit to Fivesecondsofwriting}

Having Luke as your roommate part 2?

-Cheerios for breakfast

-his dishes make it to the sink, not the dishwasher

-"which shirt looks more professional?"

-"you think bringing out my eyes will get me the job?"

-him being shy when you have people over

-feeling safer at night when he's home

-"can you please not leave your bras hanging to dry when the guys are here?"

-"because I don't want them picturing you wearing them!"

-every plant dying

-him drinking milk straight from the jug

-him being very confused by all your beauty products

-"what's a bath bomb?"

-every Monday is pizza night

-"I'll get it this time, you got me those cinnamon buns yesterday"

-trying to make him do his nose scrunching laugh


-"you can't put tampons on the grocery list"

-"I know you need them, but it makes me uncomfy"

-him singing like all the time

-borrowing his giant hoodies in the winter

-paying the rent exactly on time

-Michael loudly asking Luke how he got such a hot roommate, then winking at you

-falling asleep to Luke playing guitar

-"what?" "yeah, you can have a guy over, that's cool"

-"as long as he treats you well"

-cooking some of his mom's recipes

-damp towels on the bathroom floor

-pics of his family scattered throughout your apartment

-him being embarrassed when you do his laundry

-"because you just touched my underwear!"

-waking up three episodes later with Luke asleep on your shoulder

-sleepy eyes and messy hair

-him setting off the fire alarm once a week

-him walking in on you changing

-"oh shit, sorry"

-"I didn't, um, I didn't see anything"

-him locking himself out and having to call you for help

-secretly loving when he walks around in sweatpants and no shirt

-Calum coming over every other day

-"hey have you seen my- oh you're wearing it"

-him asking how your day was

-always running out of food

-coming home to him wrapped in a thousand blankets watching friends

-"we're like this tv show but less attractive"

-"no wait, I didn't- I think you're very pretty!"

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