Luke blurb

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{Credit to Lukeiestluke}

Working at a supermarket with Luke would include;

-"luke I can't reach the top shelf and i'm scared everything's going to fall on me if I try"

-him looking around to make sure no one else is in the aisle before ducking between your legs and hitching you up onto his shoulders

-knowing when he's had a sleepless night because he's got scruff on his chin and his head keeps drooping while he's on the tills

-cheering him up on days like that with cups of coffee and having him dip his finger in the foam so that he can swipe it across your nose

-"okay but forreal this cucumber looks like a dick"

-"luke?? that's an avocado??"

-him being a clumsy lil shit and stumbling into entire store displays and ruining them

-running to find you so he can use your body as a shield after finding out that the manager is looking for him

-"that middle aged guy is wearing a minion shirt and now i feel so sick i can't eat my lunch"

-using a baguette as a sword and really dramatically pretending to stab you with it

-his biceps flexing in a work shirt

-"no way on this god damn planet am i wearing a hair net!"

-"morning princess, thank you" *stealing the last half of your coffee as he enters the staff room and giving you a quick kiss randomly on your face*

-holding things above your head while you're trying to stock the shelves and doing that really boyish laugh he does while you struggle to get it back

-him saying "is everything okay??" all frowny when you're in a bad mood and proceeding to rub your shoulders as you tell him what's wrong

-*over the intercom* "Can Y/F/N come to till number 6 please?? I believe I just found your child michael clifford eating candy straight out of the dispenser"

-him actually slipping the new album into old people's shopping carts while they aren't looking

-"look sir, it isn't her fault that what you're looking for is currently out of stock and i'm asking politely that you back off"

-"man am I glad I get a discount at the bakery because I just bought Calum six ninja turtle cupcakes and it's not even his birthday for like.. another six months"

-overall being an adorably awkward and polite shop assistant

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