Luke blurb

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{Credit to heyluek}

Dating Luke would include;

- Listening to him play guitar until 2 am

- Him pouting at you when you mess up his hair when he said it looked "perfect"

- Trying to rap because you both think you're rlly cool, but actually failing

- "Did you get taller overnight?"

- "No, (Y/N), I was the same height yesterday."

- "No, I think you got taller."

- Stealing the dozens of band shirts and flannels lying around

- "Is that my shirt?"

- Skyping the rest of the boys and laughing until you cry at the ridiculous things they talk about

- Talking every night while he's on tour, no matter how late it is

- Calling him a noodle 24/7

- Trying to dance to their music but ending up hysterically laughing together

-Leaning against his chest while he tells you some stupid joke Michael told him and not being able to stop yourself from smiling at his adorable laugh

- Sleeping, all the time

- Him quietly strumming his guitar and humming new lyrics to see your reaction

- "You should write a song about us."

-"Every song I write is about us."

- "That was really cheesy, Luke."

- "But it's true!"

- Jack and Ben telling you embarrassing stories about him from when he was little

-Screaming the lyrics at him from backstage and trying to make him laugh while he's performing

- "Can you sing something for me?"

- "Right now?"

- "Yes you have such a pretty voicceee!"

- Watching him walk around in the morning all groggy and tired with flat hair

- "Calum's tweeting at me again. What should I say?"

- "He's sitting in the room next door."

- "C'MOn help me be funny on twitterr."

- "You're such a dork."

- Planning to go out to dinner at fancy restaurants, but ditching and ordering pizza with the boys

- Listening to him sing around the house all day and always being in awe of his talent

- Waking up to him pulling you against his chest and realizing how lucky you are to have him

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